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  1. R

    How bad can seattle be???

    Losing by 20+ @ the half, thought after getting blown out their last game they would have alittle shame .... WRONG! These guys are getting spanked around like a lil' b*** :mj07: :mj07: :mj07:
  2. R

    Why is the majority of people on the raptors

    From Toronto, I was all over the Jazz when I saw the line, just want to know what I am missing about this game? Jazz are big, best rebounding team in the NBA so far and that spells big problems for the "we can't rebound" Raptors.... Any comments are welcome. GL
  3. R

    Status of Wallace and Nowitzki anyone?

    Does anyone know the status for Dirk and Gerald for tonight's games? thanks
  4. R

    Need some help

    Scenario Down 6 units for the weekend of NFL 3 Team Teaser left Buff +15.5 WIN Buff UNDER 50 WIN Pit -5.5 PENDING Bet 3 units to win 5.4 units Options Bet 3 units on Balt +12 Balt wins or pit doesn't cover 5.5 i'm pretty much even Pit wins by 6-11pts I win 8.4 units Pit wins by 13+ I...
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    MNF help

    Hey everyone, just needed some advice. Had a bad week in NFL this week with one teaser still to go. Buff +15.5 Buff Under 50 Pit -5.5 So its just Pit left, and I see alot of great cappers jumping on Balt. Is Pit -5.5 something to worry about? Should I bet Balt +13 and hope it lands in...
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    Is it still raining in MIA?

    Anyone in the area can give some information?
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    question for nba totals

    I was wondering what the consensus is when it comes to no rest teams. When teams have less rest their offense and defense tend to be worse, but which of the two prevails more? offense or defense. I see alot of people including Jimizeus on the Mil/Mia Under and saw one person speaking of mil...
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    anyone know if kidd is go or no go?

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    anyone have any thoughts on tonights game against houston? anyone see an effect that kobe will have? thanks and gl tonight
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    is McGrady in or out?

    anyone know a definite answer?
  11. R

    mcgrady OUT!!!

    watch out magic backers
  12. R

    Tuesday Dunks

    Raps/Sixers over 88 FH Alvin Williams is not playing due to an ankle injury and he usually guards AI, without him, AI should have his way with the raps offensively. VC should be up for this one too.
  13. R

    Capping sports

    I'm new to the whole capping sports bit, but have been a sports gambler for awhile for leisure. I don't cap games but rather "feel" games out. I just had a couple of questions and hopefully I can get some answers. When capping a game what exactly are you doing? looking for trends? predicting...
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    back to back games

    does anyone have any stats or trends when NBA teams play 2 games in 2 nights?
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    i saw a prop that had... will either team score 3 unanswered times? yes -200 no +150 i'm wondering if i'm interpreting this wrong... cause the "no" seems like a steal.... if i picked "no" that means for me to win, was or philly could not score 3 times in a row right? thanks
  16. R

    MVP...what's wrong?

    i've been trying to call MVP for awhile now and i get a busy signal...or it could be a disconnected signal..... does anyone know if something went wrong w/ them? i've only been with them for a couple of weeks, are they reliable? i sent some money via western union and have not been credited to...
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    bears +3 ???

    i am very confused and suspicious... can anyone shed some light on why the bears are not favoured against the falcons? i know the falcons gave GB a run but this is chicago and there defence is head and shoulders above GB's. vick won't be able to run around w/ urlacher waiting for him... other...
  18. R

    steve francis why??????

    had a 2 game parlay 1) west -1.5 and over 251.5 2) under 129 second half 3) under 127.5 second half why why why....steve francis.....why? if you don't hit the three...i hit all three of these bets..... i guess i can' t be least i won....
  19. R

    a shot in the dark

    k...not a good day yesterday going 1-2.... today's first game looks tough but will take a shot in the dark BAL +6(STRONGER SINCE BETTIS NOT PLAYING) BAL/PIT UNDER 32(BAL CAN NOW FOCUS ON STEWART W/OUT BETTIS MAKING THEIR DEFENCE SIMPLER) 2 GAME PARLAY BAL +6 BAL/PIT UNDER 32
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    can anyone justify the over pit/bal?

    i know the world is on the under in the bal/pit game... but i can't seem to think of any scenarios where the game will go over! i don't think kordell is as good as people think and bettis i feel will be a little slow in the first half and maybe the second too. bal has no offense....allen will be...