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  1. S

    Congrats to New England and all their backers on M.J.`s

    Man was I wrong here. Never thought there would only be thirteen points scored. Way to go New England and all your backers.:toast:
  2. S

    Byes question,

    Byes begin in week 4. Can anyone tell me how teams generally do week before their Bye, please. Thank you.
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  4. S

    Hilton contest oddity?

    I noticed in todays top 5 picks of the Hilton contest, two teams playing each other (Saints and Rams) are picked. Isn`t that rare?
  5. S

    Happy Thanksgiving from North of the 49th.

    Happy Thanksgiving to MJ and all the great board members down South. We had ours a month ago, but I`ll tip a few today to wish you a great day. Enjoy and be safe. Bob.:toast:
  6. S


    Hey Jack it came today (19th). Geez btween USPS and customs then Canada snail mail they don`t set any records.LOL. Fits fine on my 78 year old torso, (beer gut and all). Thanks again, I`ll wear it with pride. Good luck for the rest of the playoffs. :0074 Bob.
  7. S

    The "FIXED" gang should be along shortly.

  8. S


    Hey Man, way out here on the west coast of Canada. Don`t get a lot of info during the week. Just wondering what`s happening with Vikes midweek stuff. Who is getting 1st string snaps etc. Injuries? Not a Cassel fan. Hope you can help. Good luck this week.:toast:
  9. S

    Senor Capper?

    No comments by S.C. for nflx? Always respect his opinions.:shrug:
  10. S

    Baltimore backers.

    I was cheering for N.E. But man I feel bad for all Balt. backers. You deserved a better fate than that. They played a hell of a game and really deserved to win IMO.:sadwave:
  11. S


    See you are looking for a bet taking N.E. -6.5. I`ll take it for a bottle of Bacardi.:toast: Don`t particularly like taking Denver, but we got to have something riding, and this way we`ll have something to celebrate with when you get back to B.C. Good luck Buddy.:0074
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    Anyone having trouble logging in to Pinnacle? Been trying for 2 hours and get a message "Cannot return to Anyone else? Thanks.
  13. S

    Four for Sunday.

    Trying these for first bets of the season. .....Det +1.5 ....St. L +4.5 ....Tenn +1.5 CFL..Winn. -5.5 Not betting til Sun. A.M. in case of any drastic changes or new injury reports. Best of luck Madjackers, hope you all have winning seasons.:toast:
  14. S

    Computer help please.

    All of a sudden when I go to a sight and go into a thread, I no longer get a bar at the top that allows me to go back or forward. I guess it is probably something simple, but so am I when it involves computers. Can someone help please? Thanks, Skanoochies.
  15. S

    Where can I find.....

    Injury reports for the NFL that are updated after practice daily. I can`t seem to find them at Thanks in advance if anyone can help. Skanoochies. :)
  16. S

    Question for KMA.

    Hi. I am having a strange problem all of a sudden. When I am replying to a thread, if I try to add a smilie at some point, as soon as I click the smilie the screen shoots back to the first message in the topic. Theres no way it will accept the smilie. I must admit I am not the sharpest tool in...
  17. S

    Hey Guys, need help on futures....

    Could someone tell me a good place to find futures odds for teams winning the LCS and world series please. I`m not a BB bettor, but its for a friend. Thanks in advance, Skanoochies.:)
  18. S

    Something smells funny here....

    N.E. has won 13 straight. Never lost in the Snow. Set a record for least amount of pts. allowed at home this year. Have the better coach. Brady will pick Indy defense apart. Manning can`t keep up the pace of the last 2 games. Manning 0-4 at N.E. Indy can`t win in cold weather. I have visited...
  19. S

    Unsung Leader.....

    Hi. I was just looking at the eight Q.B.s left in the playoffs and looked up some of their stats on What a surprise. All I read and hear is "Manning and McNair share player of the year award" "Favre leads his team under trying circumstances""Bradys team has best record and homefield...
  20. S

    Mr.Wizzard are you................?

    Are you familiar with Turf Par. track? I notice they have some claimers for 3200 and some are 3200B. This is the only track I have noticed this. What condition is attached to the B? Thanks in advance.Good luck handicapping. Skanoochies.:confused: :confused: :confused: