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  1. C

    BULLS OVER!!!!!

    the over is 7-0 in the last 7 meetings Recent Meetings Date Home/Away Line ATS 12/15/2004 MEM 88 - CHI 96 -9.5/182.5 CHI/O 2/21/2004 CHI 98 - MEM 105 4/190.5 MEM/O 1/15/2004 MEM 108 - CHI 93 -9/193.5 MEM/O 3/12/2003 MEM 124 - CHI 95 -5/203 MEM/O 11/16/2002 CHI 111 - MEM 93...
  2. C

    PUBLIC PLAY-boston

    I told you guys yesterday to take boston and go against the public and very few of you listened.Tonight it is the reverse ST LOUIS is the play. 2500 st louis 250 over 250 st louis/over gl to everyone here :clap:
  3. C


    The day that horrible ending wasn't fixed.I was talking to someone who used to play for florida state and he told me that he had to leave becuase of how fixed it was.Then i asked him about the nfl and he said "do you even have to ask me that,take a look at the way games play out".Now i...
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