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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. B

    Why is MSU/LSU, DU/UNLV, and Oregon/Stan off the board?

    I honestly must be missing something on thse games so I would appreciate greatly if someone would please fill me in. Also, would you expect that they put them back up before the game starts? Thanks!
  2. B

    Could someone explain to me how a round robin works?

    Never done one and I'm just curious to how it works. I'd appreciate the insight. Thanks!
  3. B

    Need Serious Help

    I'm in a serious pinch and would like your guys advice.....If you had to place one three team parlay on Sunday what would be your choice of the three teams. (I need a win) I'm thinking of putting $200 on NY, Boston, and St. Louis but would like your advice because like I said I seriously have...