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  1. F

    Hey Keith 1

    Hey Keith 1, I didn't want to highjack Crumbs' thread and you had posted about subscribing and getting email notices. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind explaining how you do that? I have looked all over the site but can't figure it out. Thanks for your help.:0008 Shit never mind...
  2. F

    Where's William

    Miss his teasers. Hope he's OK!!!!!!!!
  3. F

    Texas Tech has gotten pounded

    From +13.5 to 10.5. Anybody know why
  4. F

    Box and One

    would love to get your thoughts on UTSA today. Seem to have that team nailed down. Thank you sir!! :toast::0008:firing::toast:
  5. F


    Would you happen to have the net rushing yard stats for this year. Thanks for all your help :toast::toast::toast::toast:
  6. F

    Vandy QB is fawking aweful

    Guess that's what I get for betting on a team I haven't watched all season :mj16::cursin::cuss::cuss::banghead:
  7. F

    Miss/Ark Over

    With these 2 offenses, quick scoring ability, and lack of defense......they will blow past 66 points!! :bigun::bigun::00x23
  8. F

    Great Job Green Bay

  9. F

    Ticket Casher

    where are you:shrug::shrug::shrug:
  10. F

    F U Arkansas

    #18 in the country......... 22 pt Favorites....... and gonna lose outright What a joke:facepalm::facepalm::sadwave::violin::mj16:
  11. F

    Ticket Casher

    Where are you :shrug::shrug:
  12. F

    What a Fucking by the Pelicans

    Up 18 with 2:31 to go and had them for the game and the 2nd half and they don't score again cause they are over paid pussies and knew they had the game won so give up 11 uncontested points in the last 2 minutes:mj12::mj13::mj13::mj13::mj12::mj12:
  13. F

    If I was oregon's AD

    I would advise the coach to not practice a single play this coming week but instead have the players do nothing but tackling drills. This is the worst tackling team I have ever seen :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
  14. F

    F U San Fran

    blocked punt for TD Interception for TD Punt return for TD Never seen that in my life :facepalm::sadwave::sadwave:
  15. F

    Last Night Davidson... tonight Boston

    Fuck you both!!!!!!!!!! :mj13::mj13::mj13:
  16. F

    West Michigan

    7 pts in 14 minutes :mad::mad: Great fucking job shitheads :mj16::mj13::mj13:
  17. F

    Mr. Rattler and DaMan Sports

    Would love to get your opinion on the big game :toast::toast:
  18. F

    Big play for me

    Carolina/Atlanta over 46 Carolina came sluggish last week against the Saints. Both teams will come out fired up today and the panthers should easily put up 35 pts while the dirty birds get to the mid 20s :popcorn2:popcorn2
  19. F


    :shrug: WHere are you :shrug: :toast::toast:
  20. F


    Colorado/wash under 5.5. BIG PLAY. :toast::toast::toast: