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    champions league

    new to soccer but love to bet!! anyone have any opion about the soccer games this week in europe?
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    maddox, johnson, and now martinez at the red sox home opener no less. what the hell is going on?? these guys are getting killed to inferior teams. :shrug:
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    both back ups are in net for the nyi vs van game. dipietro vs Skudra. also s.t. louis has their back up in vs san jose. Sanford, although he is 6-0 this year. Markkanen is in net for edm tonite!! any insight on these guys would be helpful
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    can anyone give me a list of the prop plays for the super bowl, or a website that list them. thanks
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    mike lee?

    anyone have mike lee's plays today
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    mike lee?

    anyone have mike lee's plays today
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    Who Does Tom Barrasso Play For Now?
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    service plays?

    anyone have any services plays for the nba tonite. is there a site i can check them out daily:drinky:
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    service plays

    [COLOR=blue] :drinky:
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