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  1. M

    Penn And Teller Trick

    I usually love these guys but that was a weak ass trick. The lady that opened the tube was a plant you could see Penn cover up the camera as she was taking it out and making the switch. You notice that the corner of another page was signed by annnouncer earlier in show. Teller just made it...
  2. M

    Very nice value prop bet if you like Eagles to win!!

    at wsex it is Staley +15.5 yds over Pittman and Allstodt. Last meeting Staley 24carrys/152 yards pitt/als 17/63 Last year Staley ?/89 dunn/allstodst 23/61 Most people on Phil will say run right at TB. I have watched this Buc defense team play alot over last 3 years. A hard...
  3. M

    Big Longshot ml parlay on nite games

    Im taking a ML parlay on Hawaii, Fla , and ND. 25 to win 1240 why not at these odds? Maybe Tide had too many Hula girls and Hawaii has shot Fla has real good shot and ND has done it before. I lose- have to drink less this week I win- Im getting the Hula girls!!!!
  4. M

    Nfl marketing is genius (analytics would apprecaite) So will haters!!!

    look at how it markets product. This could go on so many other layers but Im only looking at a couple NFL promos that are standing out to me. All of the sudden Terrel Owens is portrayed as good guy. Sharpie incident was very controvesial. Minorities atefine and Had to save his image because...
  5. M

    Anyone look at props tonite ( Jon, IX bender...?)

    I havent seen anyone post props in a while. Two that Im considering are Duce Staley +45.5 yds over Barlow/Hearst ? Juice is high at -140. IF you like Philly you figure alot of runs by Duce . Owens -30.5 yds over Thrash. Hes been on fire and Manning torched Philly secondary recently. Need...
  6. M

    To all the Couch potato, beer drinking, football watching junkies

    like myself. Seriously , this is the beginning of the second season of betting as far as Im concerned. I didnt spend all this time watching and reading about games since Aug, to lose now. Books are smart, but keeping track of all the action (nba, colege hoops, hockey and so on) is no small...
  7. M

    Can anyone tell me.... (re NC Duke game)

    .......why or why not NC at Duke -3 very similar to Mich st at Indiana -3 a couple weeks ago. You know a historicaly poor team favored over a Big Name underachiever. I may or may not bet but I already got burned taking Indiana earlier. Any thoughts? On a side note Ill stick to analyzing...
  8. M

    Very interesting VT trend

    I appreciate this professional forum more and more every day. I thought I would do a little research and share the info. Do what you want with it. I had mucho dinero wins with VT at home over the years, especially at night. They stung me big time at BC and Vs Pitt. I like them over WV but...
  9. M

    Why I like Virginia Tech

    I can understand how looking at the last several games it is real easy to say "Pitt +13 looks real good." They demolised a poor Syracuse team, they "beat nd" in many people's eyes and beat BC in a close game last week. Va tech on the other hand only beat BC by 5, then Rutgers and Temple at...
  10. M

    re: Nolan Dalla angles

    re: Nolan Dalla angles I have always respected your views and work in poker and football. I know you dont throw out bs. I dont like to fool with alot of numbers (I'm good in math but looking at charts and graphs and stats really gives me a headache). It easier to take the word of trusted...
  11. M

    Which is better Bettis prop!!

    If you think the Steelers will win by running then: Bettis -10 and half yds over James Bettis over 86 1/2 yds by himself
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