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  1. B

    Madjacks Could Be A Soap Opera

    First off, want to say thanks to many, many fine cappers on here I have lurked and followed over the past five years. Some may consider me a newbie cause I only have 50+ posts or don't like "lurkers" if that's what you'd like to refer to me as, but I have nothing but the upmost respect for all...
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    Team Of Destiny

    Been pondering this all day. Seems like every year we have the cinderella team in the WS the so called team of destiny. Detroit has pretty much already been labled this and has it branded on them every which way. However, underneath the limelight a strong case is made that the Cards are the...
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    3 Team Tease

    Layin' low this week myself, gotta an outta town wedding. Like the looks of this 3team tease though. Steelers +7' Packers +14' Pats +4' All road teams, but like hitting the hook over these key numbers. ;)
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    Texas Needs To Wake Up?????

    Baylor making them look like crap. Passing all over them and Texas keeps making stupid penalties. Need to get their heads outta their a**es already down 10-0 and Baylor has the ball at the Texas 43.:shrug:
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    Novice to Bases, But.................

    I see the favs went 8-0 today?????? WTF? Tried to catch some dogs and got thrown to the wolves. I know of course it will turn around and even itself out, but is this a normal type trend in the beginning of the seasons until teams catch their groove? Just wondering if anyone has any input on...
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    Favorites 6-2 in Great Eight........

    Unreal, Guess Public is happy as can be.
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    Case Of The Runs........

    Neveda goes on a 20-7 run in the Final 8 minutes of the game..... Seton Hall is currently on a 23-9 run in the game........... Unc is currently on a 21-9 run......... Stanford went on a 27-7 run............. Just seems like alot of big runs in some of these match-ups today
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    To All Members

    I've been lurking here for over 2 years now and just wanted to say thank you. This is the most informative and classiest place around. The unselfish contribution on this board is second to none. You guys have made me lots of cash over the years and saved me just as much and just wanted to let...