Search results

  1. J

    Bases Sat 5/25

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    Bases Sat 5/25

  3. J

    Phillies bullpen

    Now the angels blow a 2 run lead.
  4. J

    Phillies bullpen

    Yup. Blow a 7-1 lead to kill the run line.
  5. J

    WiLd BaSeBaLl '24

    Tough beat on Atlanta
  6. J


    Well done. I went kind of light because champions league is often unpredictable. But some $$ is better than none.
  7. J


    Appreciate your efforts.
  8. J


    WOW - Western Ky! :smilies11
  9. J

    Congrats to Caitlin

    Would she see the floor on a good high school boys team????
  10. J

    NCAA Men's WiLd StYlE '23-24

    Ditto. Thanks.
  11. J

    Plays Sat

    Looks like it. 🤑
  12. J

    Hoop wed

  13. J

    Lions @ 49ers - In game

    Somebody explain this to me. WTF is Campbell doing giving up points like that. I'm on s.f. so this isn't sour grapes. He gave away points and momentum. Don't want to hear about analytics or being aggressive. It's stupid and losing football.
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  15. J

    Maybe a few today…

  16. J


    Enjoy. Appreciate your work.