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  1. C

    Race Time?

    I know coverage starts at 1:00 pm central. Anybody know when the race is actually supposed to start?
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    Need airline help

    Going to Portland Maine in August for a wedding. Thought I would fly into Manchester, NH and rent a car and see the country side. Anybody had any experiences(good or bad) with US Airways. They appear to have the best flight times with lower costs. Any advice would be appreciated.
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    Ties in college football

    Need help with a question asked of me the other day at my favorite after work watering hole. What year did they end ties in college football and go to the overtime scenario? I cannot rermember for the life of me.
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    weather report from Talladega

    Not actually at the track, but thirty miles away, it is 56 degrees, windy and trying very hard to rain. Good luck to everybody. Don't play nascar but if you believe in conspiracy theories, seemes like the number 8 car would be a good bet.
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    Need help with the N.E. patriots

    Discussion at work about the New England Patriots. Old farts think at one time they were the Boston Patriots. Young know-it-alls say they have always been New England. Whose Right?
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    A drunk staggers

    into a Catholic Church, enters a confessional booth, sits down but says nothing. The priest coughs a few times to get his attention but the drunk just sits there. Finally, the Priest pounds three times on the wall. The drunk mumbles, "ain't no use knocking, there's no paper on this side...
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    Math problem

    Don't know whether I have enough info to solve this or not. Any help would certainly be appreciated. 731275 + x + y=2271221 2539946 - x - 1000000=y Solve for x and y
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    Am I wrong or right

    My wife was in a car accident a couple of weeks ago. She was stopped for a light. Lady in back of her decides to go before the light turns green. Very little damage to my wife's car. A small dent in the rear bumper. Damage estimate $1000. Friend of ours goes to internet and says her car is...
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    Why they call it PMS

    Because mad cow's disease was already taken. :mj07: :mj07:
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    The worse song(s) you've ever heard

    One of my personal favorites Convoy Another is Walk like an egyption Anybody else got some you really hate?
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    Rules for bedroom golf

    Someone posted this some time ago. Thought about it today. It was quite funny. Did anybody save it? Would love to see it again. Thanks
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    One Sunday morning

    One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Alex was staring up at the large plaque that hung in the foyer of the church. It was covered with names, and small American flags were mounted on either side of it. The seven-year old had been staring at the plaque for sometime, so the pastor...
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    Lawyer Joke

    A Rabbi, a Hindu and a lawyer were riding together when their car broke down. They stopped at the first farm house and asked if they could spend the night. Farmer says sure, but I only have room for two of you in the house. One of you will have to sleep in the barn. Rabbi says no problem...
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    A salute to all Madjack veterans

    To all my fellow Madjack veterans I proudly salute you for the service you have given to our country. To all the young men and women now serving to protect us against our enemies, from the bottom of my heart..thank you. P.S. Happy Veterans Day
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    What if Chaney resigns

    What happens, if due to health reasons, Chaney resigns? Does the President get to appoint or does the Congress make that appoinment. I was trying to remember what happened when Agnew quit, but the memory of that event is not clear.
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    Cataracs--anybody know anything about

    them. Going to eye doc tomorrow. Having grey like clouds in my left eye. Blurs my vision. Having trouble driving. Is the surgery to repair tough?
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    Drunken Chicken

    Friend of mine claims this is a great way to grill chicken. Anybody tried this?
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    It's their world, we're just along for the ride

    You want proof! My wife's niece gave birth this past weekend to a healthy baby boy. :clap: After the birth the nurses clean the kid up and present him to his mother to see if he'll breast feed. :) He apparently wasn't ready for this so he didn't do anything. The nurse takes the child, lays...
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    Inadvertant stealing

    Can someone explain to me what inadvertantly stealing means? How do you steal something inadvertantly? Sandy, you've been a bad, bad boy :liar:
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    Board Rules

    After reading some of the recent posts on here and the name calling going on, I was wondering if the board had a set of do's and don'ts. What can I call somebody and when do I step over the line? Or is it just the administraters judgement? Just wondering--because it is starting to get out of...