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  1. DemisTroux

    my plays

    cinci -4.5 sea -3 philly -3 car +3 NYJ -2.5 love this 1 Gary...check your e-mail... put these in for me plz. GL all!!!!
  2. DemisTroux

    week 1

    T.B. -3 L Cinci -1 W Philly -6 W Browns -3 L Bears -3.5 W Indy -3 W 4-2 Not a bad start...some good ones next week I see already. Good Luck all!!
  3. DemisTroux

    kordell stewart question

    was kordell the starter for pitt last year and got hurt and roth got the start? or was it maddox
  4. DemisTroux


    Huge 5-7 Big 9-7 Med 8-4-1 Pars 1-2 N.E. -7.5 Huge N.E. jax over 37 Huge Wash +2 Big Wash t.b over 37 Big Gints -3 Med Cinci +3 Med Par both overs Med Par N.E. Wash Med Gl everyone!!
  5. DemisTroux

    new years plays...

    Huge 5-7 Big 9-7 Med 8-4-1 Pars 0-1 Balt -3 Huge Car -3 Huge Pitt ov 35.5 Huge N.E. ov 37 Huge N.E. -6 Big Pitt -16.5 Med Balt + Car Par Med Pitt ov + N.E. ov Par Med HAPPY NEW YEAR...Gl to everyone!!! :toast:
  6. DemisTroux


    Huge 4-6 Big 8-6 Med 7-4-1 Pars 0-1 Gints ov 37.5 Huge N.O. -3 Huge Cinci -13.5 Big K.C. +1 Big Gints +3 Med Dal +4 Med Gl everyone...Merry Christmas!! :toast: :drinky:
  7. DemisTroux


    Huge 3-5 Big 8-6 Med 7-3-1 G.B. +3 Huge Over 33.5 Huge Par Med Gl everyone!!
  8. DemisTroux


    Huge 3-2 Big 6-5 Med 5-2-1 Nice day yesterday...Hope to continue with Sea -7 Huge Ari -2 Huge Stl -3 Huge Dal +3 Big Cincy -8.5 Big Chi -3 Big Car -9.5 Med Cle +3 Med Minn -4 Med Gl to everyone today :toast:
  9. DemisTroux


    Huge 3-2 Big 3-5 Med 5-2-1 Favs today all big N.E. -6 Gints -3 Den -8 Gl today everybody!!
  10. DemisTroux


    Huge 2-0 Big 3-2 Med 5-0 Cinci -12.5 Huge N.E. -4 Huge Indy -8.5 Huge Car -5.5 Big Chi +6.5 Big Giants -9.5 Big Oak -3 Med Den -14.5 Med K.C. +3 Med Gl to every1 :toast:
  11. DemisTroux

    Early look

    Huge 2-0 Big 3-2 Med 5-0 Looking at... Cincy -11.5 Chi +6 Oak -3 K.C. +3 Indy -8 Car -5.5 Any thoughts on Indy and dungy possibly resting starters? Does it even matter playing Jax?
  12. DemisTroux


    Huge 1-0 Big 3-2 Med 5-0 Seahawks -3 Huge Seahawks should go deep up into philly :142hump:
  13. DemisTroux


    Huge 0-0 Big 2-1 Med 3-0 Cinci +3 Huge Chi -6.5 Big Atl +3 Big Jax -2.5 Med N.E. -10 Med Gl to all...Cinci looks like the easiest play this week...if not just because of cowhers dumb ass...if pitt gets lucky enough to win outright I dout it will more then 3
  14. DemisTroux


    N.E. +3 Big S.D. -3 Big Stl -3 Big Cinci -9.5 Med Jax -3 Med
  15. DemisTroux

    First huge play...

    YTD 11-7-1 Tease 7-4 Chain 0-0-1 Philly -7.5 10* S.D. +3 4* Atl +3.5 3* NYG -7 1* Balt -5 1* Indy -9 1* STL -6.5 1* Tease S.D. +12 Atl +12.5 Philly +2.5 2* Buff ov 22.5 Philly ov 32.5 Indy ov 37.5 1* STL +3.5 NYG +2 Balt +4 1* GL all...maybe back later!
  16. DemisTroux

    syracuse tease...

    I'm thinking a teaser might be the right play here... syracuse and the under...any opinions?
  17. DemisTroux


    YTD 8-5-1 +16 units Tease 6-1 Chain 0-0-1 Buff -5.5 1* K.C. -2.5 1* Philly -9.5 1* N.E. -3.5 1* Tease Cinci +11.5 Chi +8 S.D. +13.5 2* Philly -.5 Buff +4.5 NYJ -.5 2* K.C. +7.5 Detroit +12 N.E. +6.5 2* Ov 21.5 Buff Ov 24 Chi Ov 32 Cinci 2* GL All!!!!!! Back...
  18. DemisTroux

    Demis Plays

    BC -8.5 1* along with all sides today Rutgers -13 N.D. -6 Tenn -10 Purdue -7 Toledo -13.5 Rice -7.5 Arz St. +10.5 Virginia -3 Tease BC +.5 Rutgers -4 N.D. +3 Tenn -1 Purdue +2 Toledo -4.5 Rice +2.5 Arz St. +19.5 Virginia +12 all teases 3 units
  19. DemisTroux


    YTD 16-13 Tease 5-1 Chain 0-1-1 Loui +8.5 1* Tease Loui +14.5 Ov 38 3* Par Loui +8.5 Ov 44 1/2* GL all!!!!!! :)
  20. DemisTroux


    YTD 15-13 Tease 4-1 Chain 0-1-1 + 7 units WVU -6.5 1* Tease WVU -.5 Ov 44 2* GL all!!!!