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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. H


    I do not post very often.......but when i do please take note....... I live here in Fort Worth & follow TCU football....i have a pretty good read on this team & I see a game here that I love.......... First...the weather will be in the 50's and clear...a little wind but the way the stadium is...
  2. H

    Doochuk's plays......

    Doochuk likes Stanford ..........................
  3. H

    NBA Wed..............

    Philly........ Atlanta......... Sea.......... Clippers......... 3 out of 4 ,,,,guaranteed................ luv tonites card and i rarely post.....
  4. H

    Info About Doochuk..........

    I have known Tom (Doochuk) since I met him on the old AOL boards years ago.........The guy is a damn good capper....... He plays his own plays & is not looking to charge anyone for his plays......he is not running a set up to eventually get people to pay to sooooo mnay others...
  5. H

    big PLAY,,,,,,,Wash St

    unload on WASH ST,,,,,,,,,,i live here in fort worth & TCU is not covering here..........Doochuk likes this play also,,,,,,,,,,
  6. H

    Muskymann GOY ????????

    anybody have this game ? he is pretty good ............