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  1. B

    Northcoast? Makeup from Sat 5*

    Anyone have there pick tonight - supposed to be a makeup for Sat.'s 5* loss.
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    What is Fletcher's site?

    I can't find his ad and was wondering what his freebies are since he's out of town this weekend.
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    Matt Rivers release?

    Supposingly has happened only one other time. Says he loves the Virginia - Clemson game. Mizzou, Raybo, anyone have his release?
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    Wondering about "the Sheet"

    Treyrod, are you working on the Sheet? If so, are you going to post it this season - been anxiously waiting for it for 8 months now. :hail
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    Texas / Wazzu State

    Read elsewhere where Texas could be lethargic in returning to San Diego again. Cited is the disappointment of not going to the Fiesta to play Ohio State. On the other hand, WSU is exuberant to be in their position. Looking for a Wazzu upset, in fact. Your thoughts? I was leaning heavily on...
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    Getting Dallas +2 What's Goin' On?

    Am I missing something here?
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    NFL Sunday Plays

    Cincinnati -8 (will take this one up to 9.5) Cincinnati - in front of their home crowd - gets a chance to pound the Dogs in the Jungle. Warrick will start - took "alot" of snaps in practice this week and was able to cut - feeling fine. The key, however, is their O line. Cincy has value at...
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    Roth's Pro Showcase!

    This is Roethlisberger's night to put on a showcase in front of NFL scouts. He will shine. Never mind the agents lurking in the corners of the stadium - waiting to grab his wallet. This will be a BIG night for him and Miami. Miami -14 Miami/Louisville under 70 why??? Score will be roughly...