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  1. B

    to memphis

    who is this Dee guy, don't need a name just wondering if he is a service or is that you. i hammered Mason last night and had no clue about either team and was wondering if these are regular plays or just every now and then. also, what kind of use will we get from him/you during the tournaments...
  2. B

    to genosays and others

    my apologies for the Alabama disaster. My write-up was accurate and some of my friends in tuscaloosa agreed, however for some unknown reason we did not show up in the first half. we are officially eliminated from NCAA consideration so be careful the rest of the year on the Tide, have some soft...
  3. B

    Bama/Vandy local knowledge

    the only negative about this line is how low it is. i've been going to bama games for 15 years and haven't seen us get beat by an inferior team at home in a long time. Vandy does have great talent, but i see this as easy money from a couple of angles: 1) 0-2 against Vandy last year, including...
  4. B

    UK/UA inside

    Look for Alabama to come out ready to play tonight. Being a close follower of UA bball, i see this as a good spot for the Tide tonight. 2 things stick out: 1) 1st week of rest since Shelton injury, also giving Winston needed rest. Gottfried gave them the weekend off to recover and should play...
  5. B

    3G anyone?

    hit 3 10*'s on saturday as for me tonight: St Joe's -7 why not continue to take them, i've been on about 15 straight and they define "covering machine" haven't seen them play yet and looking forward to watching tonight, don't really care what the lines are right now, until they don't cover...
  6. B

    question for bucket...

    great info on our Bama boys last night, too bad we lost the game but at least we won the money.... anything tonight worth looking at from inside the SEC? thanks in advance If interested.... SEC Plays for tonight from me. 5* Miss. St 5* LSU 3* S. Carolina 3* UK
  7. B

    new member post

    Got 3 plays to try. 5* UCLA 4* Portland St (covering machine at home) 3* S. Alabama (local knowledge) Good Luck