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    global warming?

    Any comments on this article
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    soldiers perspective

    another day done in wonderful baghdad... still sucks here, even though i love this army life. work is going as good as it can, just missing my girl like crazy. She's been so awesome to me. Getting all of the planning done for our wedding while I'm over here has kept her busy enough- not to...
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    where do you stand? (or hide)

    I was curious to see if any of you in this forum can name any positive outcome from the Iraqi war (2003) But here's the rub on this one. I know you are all addicted, however, in this thread you are unable to do the following.:nono: use any personal attacks, including name calling. (most of...
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    why do they always send the poor?

    HINESVILLE, Ga. (AP) -- One short test drive and Army Spc. Todd Strange is gushing "Oh, sweet! I love it!" He's been home from Iraq a little over 30 hours and already he's trading in his little 2001 Dodge Neon for a muscle car - a 2006 Mustang GT, V-8 engine, price tag $26,320. "I'm buying the...
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    change your mind like your panties dems

    FLASHBACK: DEM LEADER HARRY REID ALL SMILES AT PATRIOT ACT SIGNING nice resolve :mj07: way to hang in there dems :mj07:
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    master capper master war strategist

    anyone alse care to agree with this? :mj07:
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    Master Cappers Synopsis on the war in Iraq

    :mj07: This is the liberals stance against the war in Iraq!! :mj07:
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    how many people...

    Name one war where there were no combat deaths. Clem d? DJV? KOSAR?
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    Kerry is a pimp

    "I will be voting to give the president of the United States the authority to use force - if necessary - to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." -- John F. Kerry, Oct 2002
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    What would liberals do?

    AFTER the attacks of 9/11, if you were in office. what would you do? Here are the rules if you choose to play Dont discuss current administration NO third grade cutdowns Only discuss your plan for Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. Be civil or dont post.
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    NOVEMBER 22, 2005: a black 'X' flashed over Vice President Dick Cheney's face during a live speech. CNN anchor/reporter Daryn Kagan states: "That is what was being prepared during the speech and due to the :scared technical glitch :scared that happened with the switcher, it...
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    Saddams woes

    I would just like to inform the liberals in here that Saddam Hussein had to walk FOUR flights of stairs due to a broken elevator. :scared He was also brought in IN HANDCUFFS :scared Here are some links that you may find helpful in these troubled times. I mean, this guy had no WMDs and had...
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    johnny depp afraid, again

    Hollywood star JOHNNY DEPP is so shocked by the riots raging through France, he's considering abandoning his home in the country. He has since divided time between the two continents - but he fears France will be scarred permanently by the current troubles. He says, "It's insane, that setting...
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    What are all your thoughts?

    lets go ahead and use this thread to comment on what we all think of the 403 - 3 vote. your thoughts please.... :)
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    Bush is the killer

    I am sooooo sick and tired of people saying that bush has"sent our soldiers to die in a false war" first off, kids. you chose to become a recruit hopefully, understanding the inherent dangers of your line of work. this includes anything from zippo raids to rolling into northern libya with...
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    more from mr. bootsontheground

    Did you hear how many soldiers died today? What about all of the innocent people that the soldiers have killed today? It?s so horrible what they are doing over there! Let?s bring the troops home! Damn it! Blame the President, blame the soldiers, and blame anybody but me! Someone has to be...
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    Hillary seeks advice

    Hillary Clinton seeks the advice of some of our founding fathers.. She walks up to George Washington and asks "How can i best serve my country if I am elected president?" George replies "Never tell a lie" She then walks over to Thomas Jefferson and asks him the same question "How can i...
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    Charles manson banned!!!

    Charles manson has been banned right after george bush has won! what the hell? over 1100 posts and he just got banned Right after his man won? whats up with that mad jack? what was the reason?
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    arafat will be dead by the end of the week he has appointed no one. maybe winesniffer should take his place