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  1. W

    strong parlay

    arz-ml ken-ml duke over 154' every 100 pays 168 Tell me what y'all think
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    NIT bracket

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks
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    Sat Lines??

    Where can I find Sat. lines. Thanks in advance! And if you answer this I guess you're as drunk as I am, so tip one up for Saturday money cause it's got to be better than Frizday. GULP
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    Overnight Tues Totals

    Looking for the totals for later today. Any help is appreciated!
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    What happened to E.Mich...

    Someone please tell me. I had a big time parlay with them and Kansas. I was more worried about Kansas. What the f..k happened? Thanks
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    Anywhere with Friday's lines?

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    GC back up boys

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    I have an account with GC Sports and just read the thread on it, and now can not access the site. Do I have any reason to be worried, and do you know when it will be back up? Thank you very much.
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    quick question

    I have a prop bet that there WILL be a missed fg. Does the blocked fg count as a missed one? Thanks
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    Interesting Prop

    Vinny ov/un 2 rushing attempts. A kneel is considered an attempt. I figure this goes over. Tell me what y'all think.
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    Jordan Divorce

    Just read that his wife has filed papers. Clippers don't look bad tonight.
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    I really like Alabama in this one. I believe Alabama is just a better team even on the road. Purdue has beat Ill St and Auburn, woop-de-freakin-doo. Alabama got stiffed on the big dance and they have something to prove. Any comments/opinions?