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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
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    Low Budget National Anthem.....

    NFC Championship games, and they pretty much pick a kid outta the crowd to sing.. Does anyone see that? Pretty Funny. God Bless America. Go Eagles.
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    Screw you fox! The asshole from fox puts a circl around moss everytime hes in the line.....has neone else noticed bad hes having a stellar two catch day.. Damn..
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    Sunday Service Plays

    Mizzou can i have ATS lock please? Thanks....all other services as usual also.
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    GB/Minny Total

    In the 2nd half, 3 tds will do it Looking good to me, what to ya'll think about it? $$$$$
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    Colts game going over

    TD by dnver earley in 3rd makes me think it will go over.... God i hope so...
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    Orange Bowl Teaser

    3 Team 10 point teaser OU +10 USC +10 UNder 63 1/2
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    Orange Bowl Total

    Im liking the over 52,im curious to see what you allthink...please post uropinion and reasoning
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    Orange Bowl Total

    i am liking over 52, i am curious to see what ya'll like, post your opinion and reason....
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    Cali, Tech in game total thread

    End of 1st 21 points...... Need more than 65 LETS GOOOO
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    California, Tech total

    Im on the over, how confident is everyone else about that play, im relly thinkin about going big on it also
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    MIzzou Services?

    Got em yet bro? its 12:30
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    Thursday Bowl Games..

    Who does everyone like....damn its early for a post ilke this, 12 est time on thursday morning...Bad wednesday... HELP!! I like Boston College BIG
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    UTEP in game thread

    lets go miners!
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    Iowa Is the Play

    Line is down from 3 to PK? HA Take Iowa.....reply with your opinion all BOL, i also love Oregon
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    Tuesday Bowl Service plays

    Any body have any yet? Post em here Looking for totals in particular.......
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    Sweating out this damn comp bowl game

    VU up by seven with 6 min left Lefts go cavs!
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    Ouch! Giantss and Bengals Total

    Moved from 44 To 46!!! Lands on 45 Dammit all ! That cost me a perfect day! Who else got screwed by this little nut buster? :cursin:
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    My teaser of the day $$$

    Dont really know why im posting this after the fact but i made a shitload of bills on this 2 team 6 pt teaser so pumped Ne + 4 Buffalo-5 Hope everyone had a great holiday, and as good of a sunday as i did!
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    GB & Minny Over 56

    I like it bout you guys? And why?
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    UCLA PLay

    Is anyone else on UCLA tonight?