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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
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    Fax Question

    i have a fax and printer scanner all in one, i am connected to the internet online, can i fax from being online or do i need a phone line? i only have a cell so i have no phone line at my place, if i can fax from the internet, how do i do it? thanks! :)
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    Online Casinos

    i played some blackjack at 5dimes, do you guys think they are legit?? I think they are rigged because i won some then lost like 10 in a row, are there any regulations or do you guys think they are really legit>> thanks :mj14:
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    Seat $ LINE

    anybody think they have a shot to win s-up? i might throw 100 to win 460, i think they have a shot! :scared
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    like them rl tonite
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    Anyone else got Pirates Over?

    they have 10 hits and 2 runs wtf :cursin: i guess youd be happy if you had the under but i dont!!!!!! :rolleyes: