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  1. P


    WRITTEN BY AN N.Y.P.D. OFFICER...PRICELESS Twas the night before Tookie's execution ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twas the night before Christmas and all through San Quentin, the crips were protesting, and liberals were ventin'. The...
  2. P

    You probably seen this but hey ;)

    Lesson In Political Science DEMOCRATIC You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. You feel guilty for being successful. Barbara Streisand sings for you. REPUBLICANISM You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. So? SOCIALIST You have two cows. The government takes one and...
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    History Lesson

    Some here really need this little lesson . I plagerized this from a proffessor of History from one of those left coast universities a very good look at reality : It begins by the history professor explaining to another poster that took issue with us attacking Germany in WW2 and why or how we...
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    This is what happens when you let Muslims take over part of your country !

    Riots Prompt French PM to Postpone Trip By CHRISTINE OLLIVIER, Associated Press Writer 2 hours ago PARIS - French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin told parliament on Wednesday that he was pushing back a three-day visit to Canada following six nights of rioting in Paris suburbs. It was not...
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    Iraq didnt Have WMD 's

    In fact I dont think The US has WMD's can someone please prove the US has WMD's ?? :mj07:
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    I cannot find the thread this belongs in ...almost no sleep now for 2 days ...SOX WIN ! Please don't confuse public debt with debt external ......Debt External (our nations debt )is how we can strap our Children but it will need to quadruple what it is now before we would have to worry ...
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    Wow this is a big one !!!!!

    Vote goes before the house next week to increase the presidents possible term to 16 years !!!!!! Woot Woot ! hrmm wonder if it will pass :mj07: :mj07: :mj07: :mj14: Bush for 2008 !!! Ye Hah !!! :mj14: :mj14: :mj07:
  8. P

    Tip of the week !!!!

    "With reference to your White Sox, they will not get by either the Angels, Yankees, Red Sox or Indians in the first round of the playoffs. Or frankly, the Royals if they had made the playoffs. Eddie" Make bets with Eddie :mj07: :clap:
  9. P

    OH EDDIE ?????????

    Where ya at little feller ??????? :mj07: Many thanks bud! I will say as I run around collecting about 2k in cash and start lining up my free lunches for the next month , I was thinking how I should send you some Lunch money :mj07: Based on this your probably broke : "With reference to...
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    Roberts is in ....this guy will give Liberals fits for the next 40 years !!!!!!!!!! Best thing Bush did for us domestically for his whole term :mj14: :mj14: :mj14: :mj14: :mj14: :mj14:
  11. P

    Right again ! Dam im good !

    I actually said 2 weeks guess 12 days falls under 2 weeks :) A prophecy fulfilled Cal Thomas (archive) It took just 12 days from completion of Israel's withdrawal from Gaza before rockets started raining down on the Western Negev area from the now-unoccupied territory. The attacks late...
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    The truth is begining to come out

    September 27, 2005 : National News E-mail story Print Most E-mailed Change text size Katrina Takes a Toll on Truth, News Accuracy Rumors supplanted accurate information and media magnified the problem. Rapes, violence and estimates of the dead were wrong. By Susannah...
  13. P

    Anti War ...good read

    PROTEST THERAPY By RALPH PETERS September 27, 2005 -- LAST weekend, 100,000 Americans protested in Washington, demanding that we bring our troops home now. It was a fascinating installment in our nation's self-therapy craze. Set aside the get-Bush-at-any-cost political hustlers, the earnest...
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    The Liberal Media Bias

    Copied over from another thread this deserved its own thread . :mj21: Los Angeles Times Survey In 1985, the Los Angeles Times conducted one of the most extensive surveys of journalists in history. Using the same questionnaire they had used to poll the public, the Times polled 2,700...
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    The Blame Game

    Blame Amid the Tragedy > > By BOB WILLIAMS > September 6, 2005; Page A28 > > As the devastation of Hurricane Katrina continues to shock and sadden > the nation, the question on many lips is, Who is to blame for the > inadequate response? > > As a former state legislator who represented the...
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    Bush did Katrina !

    Just want to help you guys out here because this is inevitable . Bush whipped up Katrina so he and his cronies could make big bucks on oil he is secretly laughing all the way to the bank . Its also Bush's fault for N.O. because somehow someway Iraq has taken all our money and therefore we just...
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    Won't Change a Dam thing !

    Watch how this does nothing to help the peace in the Mid East ! They are going to get what they want but it wont change a thing stay tuned . Troops Hand Out Eviction Notices in Gaza By AMY TEIBEL, Associated Press Writer 3 hours ago NEVE DEKALIM, Gaza Strip - Defiant and tearful Jewish...
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    An Apology

    An apology from a Three Star Marine Corps General Simper Fi This "Letter of Apology" was written by Lieutenant General Chuck Pitman, US Marine Corps, Retired: "For good and ill, the Iraqi prisoner abuse mess will remain an issue. On the one hand, right thinking Americans will...
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    Testing New Sig.

    This is just a test :)
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    Charles Manson

    You want to re- register as Superman and Clark Kent ? We really should throw the Libs a bone they need a lot of help .