Mississippi +3.5 2nd H Mississippi +1.5 1st 10 mins 2nd H +100 Mississippi Over 32 2nd H
T TCSN Registered User Forum Member Apr 5, 2002 2,308 0 0 Jan 21, 2003 #1 Mississippi +3.5 2nd H Mississippi +1.5 1st 10 mins 2nd H +100 Mississippi Over 32 2nd H
G gman2 Registered User Forum Member Nov 12, 2002 9,827 16 0 Jan 21, 2003 #2 just wondering- what books offer 1st 10:00 of 2h betting and stuff like that? thats pretty interesting.
just wondering- what books offer 1st 10:00 of 2h betting and stuff like that? thats pretty interesting.
T TCSN Registered User Forum Member Apr 5, 2002 2,308 0 0 Jan 21, 2003 #3 5 Dimes They have them up for national tv games & alot of times have 1st 6 min wagers on NBA games but I haven't played those.
5 Dimes They have them up for national tv games & alot of times have 1st 6 min wagers on NBA games but I haven't played those.