Well the system has been in a funk this week gonig 1-3. Still its overall record stands at 22-10 so knowing these funks will occur, I will continue to ride it to its finish. I didnt play the Wyoming game last night since it dipped under the minimum line of 19 1/2 but since it was still a system play I will consider it a loss. For those that do follow these plays, I would also recommend that if the line on the game dips lower then what i post, I would recommend laying off the play. I always wait until 5 minutes before gametime to put these games in. Only one system play for today.
Cleveland State +14 over Illinois - Chicago
Unlike the system, I dont have a problem playing favorites on my own so since these didnt show up as system dogs, Im also playing the following:
Tulsa -15 over UTEP - Best Play
Western Kentucky -11 over New Orleans
Manhatten -5 1/2 over Rider
Mush - still working on those teaser numbers. Will get back to you once i have something concrete to share.
Cleveland State +14 over Illinois - Chicago
Unlike the system, I dont have a problem playing favorites on my own so since these didnt show up as system dogs, Im also playing the following:
Tulsa -15 over UTEP - Best Play
Western Kentucky -11 over New Orleans
Manhatten -5 1/2 over Rider
Mush - still working on those teaser numbers. Will get back to you once i have something concrete to share.