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a bunch of interesting places I've never heard of!!....and tempting pictures... :0074
#59 Loveless Caf?, was the first place I ever ate in Nashville. That was before internet and we had to carry around guide books like "Roadfood" to direct us to good down home cooking while driving across the USA. The homemade blackberry jam was so good at Loveless that I bought several jars to give away as presents...too bad I couldn't give the biscuits away as presents!
Do you folks in Philly agree with the list and rank Pat's King of Steaks a bit more than Geno's?:0corn
No way at all I would rank #15 Arthur Bryant's, Kansas City, Mo, over these central Texas BBQ institutions:
#80 City Market, Luling, Texas
#32 Kreuz Market, Lockhart, Texas
Now if I just had a Katz' corned beef or
Langer's pastrami sandwich right now....