11/15/03=game of the month

MB MLB 728x90 Jpg


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Forum Member
Nov 6, 2003
games 5-7 -3.3 units
2h thread 6-4 +7.4 units
ytd total 11-11 +4.1 units

milwaukee -6 (10x)

i love this game for a few reasons...

utah playing 4th road game in 6 nights+ its back to back
3 very strong opponents on top of it (sa,no,and min)
really battled each opponent for the full 48 min each night
they were able to pull out a cover against the spurs
a win or push against the hornets depending on your line
and then finally get an outright win against a strong but struggling wolves team who was on the 2nd of back to back,the first being on the road
the satisfaction of playing well and then winning last night against one of the west's powers could mean letdown against an eastern conference opponent that was picked at or at least near the bottom of the conference by the experts
and the obvious one is that fatigue must settle in sometime
especially for a team that is not exactly quick to begin with, a team that is not loaded with talent off the bench, a team that must execute on offense every play to get good looks, and a team that depends on tough defense to pull out victories.

milwaukee is playing its second game in 7 days and has been in the city since they returned last friday night
wed night they lost a close game to the hot sonics
i watched the game and they basically played right with them despite the fact that they seemed to be missing just a little of the energy they have had so far this year. the result of this was that no one player was able to get hot and they didnt get many transition opportunities allowing a big run.
this is were utah's fatigue factor really kicks in.
milwaukee should be able to get much more transition tonight off utah misses and heavy feet which will allow the bucks streaky scorers more opportunity to get rolling.
after all this you still have to worry about a utah back door cover on this fairly big spread for these two non playoff making teams
this trend should be neutralized by the advantage the bucks will have bringing in my opinion their two best all around players off the bench. mason and kukoc are their two best defenders and both can drive and score or shoot it.

the last thing is that milwaukee has had quite a bit of sucess at home on saturdays:
should draw a large crowd on a sat
weekends in wisconsin=a whole lot of booze
large crowd+booze=loud noise

well,with that said,
i wish luck to everyones plays this evening
have a sucessful saturday
and dont drink to much, i know i will