like i said i seldom read other plays, now i know that your number of biceps equal strength of plays. You can see why i was confused because i saw a bicep with each play on top and then later you said your two top graded plays were two others. Sorry for the confusion, good luck the rest of the way. It's a long basketball season, ARROW
WTF are you talking about? Those 3 plays I posted early yesterday were regular plays and none of the 3 games had a 💪 by it, so please explain. Did you bet those 3 games? The fact that you admittedly stated that you seldom go into anyone's thread is very confusing? Bottom line is you came into my thread and for whatever reason decided to disparage and denigrate me over 3 losing plays makes you look frankly stupid. Who the hell are you to go into anyone's thread and make false assumptions without doing any negligible homework and throw out random criticism? So my question is why? I have been a part of the these boards for quite some time and if I was a constant loser, I would have been gone along time ago.
I really thought you had a little more class. Guess not. I was asked last year by several members to distinguish my Top Plays, so hence 💪. Like you said, "I seldom go into others thread" and trust me when I say, that is exactly my point. It's a little like if you have nothing nice to say.........There are only 4 people in MJs that I will go into their threads to see what they are on.
I left this forum last year because their are a ton of idiots, who come out of the woodwork to jump on people that are only trying to put a few bucks in their pocket. I simply don't have the time or patience to engage with these types of people. Several members got my private email last year from Jack to continue getting my plays. I think if you ask any of those guys, they will tell you we had a very lucrative season last year. Maybe one of those guys can chime in here.
Bottom line is I cap every game, each and every day, and have decided to post my plays to help some guys out that don't or can't handicap their own games. I don't need this forum and I'm certainly not looking to boost my ego or make friends with guys in some posting forum. You have already taken more energy than deserved. Get lost punk