17 pt rule BUST in week 13

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Forum Member
Nov 19, 2006
Went a dismal 11-10 week 13 bringing the
YTD 80-60-4 (57.14%)

Week 13 17 pt plays?

Balt wk 12 w by 29 ... wk 13 by 31 = L
Cin wk 12 L by 17 ... wk 13 L by 31 = L
Pit wk 12 w by 17 ... wk 13 w by 23 = L
Phi wk 12 L by 29 ... wk 13 w by 28 = W
Min wk 12 w by 18 ... wk 13 w by 20 = L
Jac wk 12 L by 18 ... wk 13 L by 13 = L
Buf wk 12 W by 23 ... wk 13 L by 7 = W
KC wk 12 L by 23 ... wk 13 W by 7 = W
NE wk 12 W by 20 ... wk 13 L by 23 = W
Mia wk 12 L by 20 ... wk 13 W by 4 = off
NYJ wk 12 W by 21 ... wk 13 L by 17 = W
Atl wk 12 win by 17 ... wk 13 w by 6 = L
Car wk 12 L by 17 ... wk 13 W by 4 = off
NO wk 12 W by 22 ... wk 13 L by 3 = L
GB wk 12 L by 22 ... wk 13 L by 4 = off
Den wk 12 L by 21 ... wk 13 W by 17 = W

My math puts the 17 pt rule at 6-7 for the week?

Week 13
Dall 34 Sea 9
Phi 48 Arz 20
Bal 34 Cin 3
Den 34 NYJ 17
Pitt 33 NE 10
Min 34 Chi 14

Let's see if I got this right?
Week 14:
Jax @ Chi (Play on Chi)
Min @ Det (No Play on Det)
Dall @ Pitt (No Play)
NE @ Sea (No Play)
KC @ Den (Play on KC)
NYJ @ SF (No Play on SF or bet NYJ to cover)
Was @ Balt (Play on Was)
Cin @ Ind (Play on Cin)
StL @ Arz (No Play of Play on Arz)
Phi @ NYG (Play on NYG)


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Forum Member
Oct 25, 2001
Just play the double qualifiers,they are money in the bank.Detr this week.Also,Washinton+6 is only one point from being a double qualifier,and baltimore scoring over 30 two weeks in a row and winning by 17+ two weeks in a row makes Washington +6 a strong play.Stick to the double qualifiers and it'll bear a winning percentage.GL
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Jul 19, 2002
da burgh
Went a dismal 11-10 week 13 bringing the
YTD 80-60-4 (57.14%)

Week 13 17 pt plays?

Balt wk 12 w by 29 ... wk 13 by 31 = L
Cin wk 12 L by 17 ... wk 13 L by 31 = L
Pit wk 12 w by 17 ... wk 13 w by 23 = L
Phi wk 12 L by 29 ... wk 13 w by 28 = W
Min wk 12 w by 18 ... wk 13 w by 20 = L
Jac wk 12 L by 18 ... wk 13 L by 13 = L
Buf wk 12 W by 23 ... wk 13 L by 7 = W
KC wk 12 L by 23 ... wk 13 W by 7 = W
NE wk 12 W by 20 ... wk 13 L by 23 = W
Mia wk 12 L by 20 ... wk 13 W by 4 = off
NYJ wk 12 W by 21 ... wk 13 L by 17 = W
Atl wk 12 win by 17 ... wk 13 w by 6 = L
Car wk 12 L by 17 ... wk 13 W by 4 = off
NO wk 12 W by 22 ... wk 13 L by 3 = L
GB wk 12 L by 22 ... wk 13 L by 4 = off
Den wk 12 L by 21 ... wk 13 W by 17 = W

My math puts the 17 pt rule at 6-7 for the week?

Week 13
Dall 34 Sea 9
Phi 48 Arz 20
Bal 34 Cin 3
Den 34 NYJ 17
Pitt 33 NE 10
Min 34 Chi 14

Let's see if I got this right?
Week 14:
Jax @ Chi (Play on Chi)
Min @ Det (No Play on Det)
Dall @ Pitt (No Play)
NE @ Sea (No Play)
KC @ Den (Play on KC)
NYJ @ SF (No Play on SF or bet NYJ to cover)
Was @ Balt (Play on Was)
Cin @ Ind (Play on Cin)
StL @ Arz (No Play of Play on Arz)
Phi @ NYG (Play on NYG)

I'm not really sure where your going with this post...The system was not 6-7. Your doing the math wrong... Example(Your counting a loss for Baltimore and a loss for Cinci...The only play was on Cinci because they played each other)...Also your including teams that don't fit the system because they played each other (Pit vs. NE, CHI vs. MIN). Granted those will equal out but it skews the numbers because they are not part of the system.

You can look at my thread if you would like to see what the actual plays were last week. The system won money (4-3) and the Double Qualifiers were (2-1, which are already included in the 4-3)...Not as much as it has it weeks past but either way still a win.

If you would like to take over doing this you are more than welcome to do so but I don't think its a good idea for us both to update the system and have contradicting numbers and also misleading numbers.

I'm just really not sure where your going with this? Are you saying the system is a lie or misleading people? Its obviously neither. Also, lets just say your were right about the numbers for this past week (your not but for the sake of argument lets say you are)....Still why would you bring this up?

Imagine if someone came to your house every week and handed you a $100 bill...For nothing, just gave it to you...For 12 weeks straight this person came to your house and gave you a $100 bill. On the 13th week the person didn't show up...Would you be upset with the person? Would you immediately start to bad mouth the person and try to point out the persons flaws and why this person isn't a good person?
NO...You shouldn't...You should be thankful that for the past 12 weeks the person gave you $100?

Your thread makes no sense! :mj07:

Either way...Good Luck!


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Nov 19, 2006
I'm not bad mouthing or pointing out anyone's flaws. I'm trying to get this "Fairly Easy" concept down so I can apply it myself in an effort to score some jack.

GL back at ya!


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Forum Member
Jul 19, 2002
da burgh
If you look at my thread it does everything for you...I will explain.

If a team wins by 17 or more points...The following week you play against them.

In Week 12 BAL, NYJ, OAK, BUF, ATL, PIT, NE, TB, NO, CHI, MINN all won by 17 or more...However alot of the above teams played each other so they are not part of the system because there is no one to play against because they play each other...The only plays that counted were...(this was from my previous post)

BAL...(Play on Cin)...Double Qualifier
NYJ...(Play on Den)...Double Qualifier
OAK...(Play on KC)...Double Qualifier
Buf...(Play on SF)
ATL...(Play on SD)

***More qualified but the teams are playing each other...PIT, NE, TB, NO, CHI, MINN... so they are a no play.

So there were 5 total plays.
KC (W)
SF (W)
SD (L)..........3-2 on the play against plays!

Now, if a team loses by 17 or more you play on them...The only teams you do not play on or atleast I don't recommend playing on is DET, STL, and SEA...They have consistantly lost by 17 all year and are not profitable...If you include those 3 the system probably wouldn't be profitable...Thats why I do not put them in the plays...Its a modification of the system.

The Play ons for last week were...(this was on my previous post)
Play on:
PHIL (they lost to BAL in week 12 by 17 or more)

***More qualified but the teams are playing each other...CAR, GB, TEN, DET, MIA, STL. I guess you could play on TEN and MIA but they play DET and STL and DET and STL are not part of the system...Last week I didn't count CHI as a play because they played STL but they covered...Maybe this is something we can keep an eye out for. However I'm not putting TEN or MIA in as a play.

Again, there were 5 total plays...
JAX (L).........Again this system was 3-2

Technically they are two different systems...You can play them both or play one or the other...If your not going to play them both I recommend playing the PLAY ONS because they seem to hit a lot more.

If you played both systems your record was still winning and profitable...The record would have been 4-3 since you only count CIN, DEN, and KC once.

If you look at the my updated post for week 14 it shows the stats and the plays for this week.

Hope this helps!
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Nov 1, 2006
So let's see if I understand this 17 point system. According to Week 12 scores, teams that lost by more than 17 points (therefore play ON) would be:

St. Louis

However, for Week 13, Tenn was scheduled to play Det, St. Louis was scheduled to play Miami so you would toss those teams/games out.

On the flipside, teams that won by more than 17 points in Week 12 (therefore play AGAINST) would be:


However, since TB played N.O. and Chi. played Minny in Week 13, you would toss those teams/games out.

So the double qualifiers would be:

KC and Denver (2-0!!!!)

And the other plays would be:

On Jac. L
On Phi. W
On G.B. L
Against Baltimore L


I didn't keep track of the previous weeks, but based on Week 12 scores it seems that double qualifiers are the only plays worth playing using this 17 point system....


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Forum Member
Aug 14, 2000
Keith, not to be an a-hole, but this is Pghpounders system/ thread. He's the 1st one to post it ,so let him handle it the rest of the way.
You're making it more confusing that it needs to be bro.
Hooks :toast:


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 1, 2006
If you look at my thread it does everything for you...I will explain.

If a team wins by 17 or more points...The following week you play against them.

In Week 12 BAL, NYJ, OAK, BUF, ATL, PIT, NE, TB, NO, CHI, MINN all won by 17 or more...However alot of the above teams played each other so they are not part of the system because there is no one to play against because they play each other...The only plays that counted were...(this was from my previous post)

BAL...(Play on Cin)...Double Qualifier
NYJ...(Play on Den)...Double Qualifier
OAK...(Play on KC)...Double Qualifier
Buf...(Play on SF)
ATL...(Play on SD)

***More qualified but the teams are playing each other...PIT, NE, TB, NO, CHI, MINN... so they are a no play.

So there were 5 total plays.
KC (W)
SF (W)
SD (L)..........3-2 on the play against plays!

Now, if a team loses by 17 or more you play on them...The only teams you do not play on or atleast I don't recommend playing on is DET, STL, and SEA...They have consistantly lost by 17 all year and are not profitable...If you include those 3 the system probably wouldn't be profitable...Thats why I do not put them in the plays...Its a modification of the system.

The Play ons for last week were...(this was on my previous post)
Play on:
PHIL (they lost to BAL in week 12 by 17 or more)

***More qualified but the teams are playing each other...CAR, GB, TEN, DET, MIA, STL. I guess you could play on TEN and MIA but they play DET and STL and DET and STL are not part of the system...Last week I didn't count CHI as a play because they played STL but they covered...Maybe this is something we can keep an eye out for. However I'm not putting TEN or MIA in as a play.

Again, there were 5 total plays...
JAX (L).........Again this system was 3-2

Technically they are two different systems...You can play them both or play one or the other...If your not going to play them both I recommend playing the PLAY ONS because they seem to hit a lot more.

If you played both systems your record was still winning and profitable...The record would have been 4-3 since you only count CIN, DEN, and KC once.

If you look at the my updated post for week 14 it shows the stats and the plays for this week.

Hope this helps!

Oh, crap, I must have been typing my post as you were posting this. Had I have seen your post I wouldn't have wasted so much time. So this 17 point system is based on teams that won or lost by 17 or more points? For some reason I thought it was MORE than 17 points...:shrug:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 19, 2006
I am completely cool with that. I was by no means trying to hijack his thread:)mj22: ). I was just trying to get a better understanding of it. I appreciate pounder's dudiligence in getting these stats out to the Madjack's team.

Thanks & GL2A this week.:toast:

Woohoo SD & under ... good way to start the week.