A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You
If you just had yourself an absolutely atrocious week, just remember...
1.The person whose cranberry sauce went absolutely nuclear:
Twitter: @hayxtt
2.The person who got their kitchen nice and toasty:
u/vinimanock / Via reddit.com3.The person who got a fun collectible sticker with their meal:
u/nthensome / Via reddit.com4.The person whose brother can't be trusted around pizza ever again:
u/ThinkingEmojiTime / Via reddit.com5.The person who dropped quite possibly the most expensive thing you can drop in the USA:
u/akward_salamander / Via reddit.com6.The person who got stuck in an elevator from the Hoover administration:
u/bruggenmeister / Via reddit.com7.The person who lost the wing lottery:
u/thecamilocano / Via reddit.com8.The person whose iPhone is nice 'n' slick now:
u/ikomega / Via reddit.com9.The person whose blender came with a very helpful feature if you want to destroy your kitchen:
u/unlikepeoples / Via reddit.com10.The person whose makeup bag is beyond saving:
u/dinklederp / Via reddit.com11.The person who is going to cause a nation-wide Skittle shortage:
u/ace_Roth / Via reddit.com12.The person who was forever tainted by their ring:
u/kcijunkdiver / Via reddit.com13.The person who will be finding remnants of smoothie years from now:
u/krismap / Via reddit.com14.The person whose cat left them a nice little present:
u/rhinanners / Via reddit.com15.The person whose pizza was absolutely annihilated in transit:
u/EQTone / Via reddit.com16.The person who learned a hard lesson about cats:
u/billyyshears / Via reddit.com17.The person who might wanna throw that toaster in some rice:
u/konaman97 / Via reddit.com18.And the person who did the unthinkable with their computer mouse:
C'mon, man.
u/salsamamba / Via reddit.com
If you just had yourself an absolutely atrocious week, just remember...
1.The person whose cranberry sauce went absolutely nuclear:
Twitter: @hayxtt
2.The person who got their kitchen nice and toasty:
u/vinimanock / Via reddit.com3.The person who got a fun collectible sticker with their meal:
u/nthensome / Via reddit.com4.The person whose brother can't be trusted around pizza ever again:
u/ThinkingEmojiTime / Via reddit.com5.The person who dropped quite possibly the most expensive thing you can drop in the USA:
u/akward_salamander / Via reddit.com6.The person who got stuck in an elevator from the Hoover administration:
u/bruggenmeister / Via reddit.com7.The person who lost the wing lottery:
u/thecamilocano / Via reddit.com8.The person whose iPhone is nice 'n' slick now:
u/ikomega / Via reddit.com9.The person whose blender came with a very helpful feature if you want to destroy your kitchen:
u/unlikepeoples / Via reddit.com10.The person whose makeup bag is beyond saving:
u/dinklederp / Via reddit.com11.The person who is going to cause a nation-wide Skittle shortage:
u/ace_Roth / Via reddit.com12.The person who was forever tainted by their ring:
u/kcijunkdiver / Via reddit.com13.The person who will be finding remnants of smoothie years from now:
u/krismap / Via reddit.com14.The person whose cat left them a nice little present:
u/rhinanners / Via reddit.com15.The person whose pizza was absolutely annihilated in transit:
u/EQTone / Via reddit.com16.The person who learned a hard lesson about cats:
u/billyyshears / Via reddit.com17.The person who might wanna throw that toaster in some rice:
u/konaman97 / Via reddit.com18.And the person who did the unthinkable with their computer mouse:
C'mon, man.
u/salsamamba / Via reddit.com