$1M in 9 years....

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1/2 cocked
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2004
Southern California
Sometime ago, in this forum, a guy posted that it was possible to make $1M in 9 years....gambling :SIB

If I remember correctly, he stated that it was possible to make $1M, but starting out with a $5000. bankroll, hitting 58% and betting no more than 5% on a game. There were other parameters, such as a minimum number of bets per week, month, day, etc. I can't find the post. Does anyone remember who stated that? ..or can anyone be of help?:shrug:

I recently met a "math whiz" who is fantastic with numbers, but does'nt know jack about gambling. I like to confirm or deny some of the parameters.

danmurphy jr

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 14, 2004
1M in 9 years = 111,000 per year, you'd need 550,000 to start and you'd be broke in 5.
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Say Parlay
Forum Member
don't know the info and don't feel like doing the math, but a similar simple example is

putting 2% of $5000 bankroll ($100) on each bet, you'd have to be up 50 units a year (just one a week) to double bank roll every year (assuming you don't resize the bet until the next year. For example, it would be $100 the whole first year, $200 the whole second year, etc. Or take any out).

You'd would then turn that $5000 in to $1.28 Mil by end of 8th year.

sounds easy :142smilie

betting 5% on a game you could go broke, or disturbingly close to it.
JR Miller on binomial distribution:

"With a 57.5% expectation-per-bet, you can plan on making any profit at all only about 60% of the time over your next 21 bets.

In 4 out of 10 cases, you can expect to win less than twelve out of 21 bets. Even with a 57.5% winning expectation on every bet, you must be aware that it is just as easy to go 7-14 (or worse!) as it is to go 17-4 or better. Once in about 8 times you can expect to lose 13 or more of your next 21 bets. By understanding the consequence of the probabilities involved, you can avoid the disastrous results of using such nonsensical money management traps as the so called Kelly criterion' or the suicidal 'one-star, two star, three-star' nonsense, or other progressive betting schemes."

"I play over 2,000 plays a year on all sports (38 a week). I play, simply put, 1.1% of my bankroll on each play to win 1 percent; - that is, 1.1 'units' to win 1 unit. Thus, if I win 55% of my plays, I will win 110 units after vigorish (1,100 wins minus 90 losses minus 90 vigorish. (110 units @ 1% = 110 profit per year - before compounding.) I appreciate that return on investment. That 110% return on investment is possible because at a 1.1% bet 2,000 times, I am able to invest 2,200% of my original bankroll; - the same money 20 times in a year. The return is actually better with the compounding effect."

from rec.gambling:

Here's a simple example: consider a guy with a $2,000 bankroll who bets 1% of bankroll on every play. This is an extremely small bankroll and a rather conservative method of bet sizing. If this guy bets 1% of bankroll and wins 580 units (64 units every year for nine years), he'll have a bankroll of $636,200! That is not exactly precise because it assumes simultaneous resizing. And this is a guy betting only $20 per game and using conservative bankroll management!
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1/2 cocked
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2004
Southern California
what is missing.....is the amout of bets one needs to make.....what quantity of bets is necessary to sustain the betting pattern?

I follow your theory, but at a 58% ratio how many bets must be made to qualify for the $1M per 9 years.....per week, day, month, etc???????
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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Yeah........all you need to do is hit 58% for 9 years straight!

Smoke on, friends............
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Would have to dependent on raising your wager to 5% of roll (per Kelly)

Biggest hurdle would be finding book that would take that amount of wager in latter years.

Know a few who have hit around that % year in and year out but in individual sports--golf-tennis-boxing ect and if you'll notice sportsbook cut limits on indv sports pretty substantial compared to team sports and good reason for it.


1/2 cocked
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2004
Southern California
Would have to dependent on raising your wager to 5% of roll (per Kelly)

Biggest hurdle would be finding book that would take that amount of wager in latter years.

Yep, that would be a problem in later years. I suppose you would/could split your bets over several books in order to conform to the bet structure.

I still don't have a diffinitive answer to my original question.
Is it possible to make $1M in 9 yrs. by starting with a $5000 bankroll, hitting 58%, and betting no more than 5% per bet.

Obviously, it would require a multi-season effort, so one would need to hit the necessary 58% in all sports, events, etc. It sounds plausible. But can anyone find enough wagers on a recurring basis that would yield 58%. It seems at first thought, that the amount of wagers necessary, would dilute the winning percentage, making it unsustainable :shrug:


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
There are many who gamble full time. They figure out system plays. Each system has been researched with all the historical angles from the past and always will end in a positive outcome. Most of this involves chasing, but with small amounts and a cut off point. There is no hours and hours of capping, the system plays are automatic once the conditions are present. The return is steady. The bankroll grows. The individual plays can be increased.

An example of a system play for me would be the Lowest Total Tracker thread of Keyser Soze, but with a twist. I'd rather not play the Under of the lowest total on the board each night as he does. I'll play the lowest total off a loss to that system and chase it. It's an automatic play, with no time involved. He said last years longest non-under consecutive run was 4 overs and a push. I shortened that by one play.

I knew a gentleman once that had 40 to 50 automatic system plays going every night. This involved all sports and all wagers available. He was by no means a small time player.

A little money can become big numbers rather quickly, with or without hitting 58%, and with no effort.
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