1Vice.ag Announces their March Madness Contest Line Up


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Mar 15, 1999
San Jose, Costa Rica ? This year, selection Sunday for the NCAA Basketball tournament will take place on March 15, 2015 with Virginia, Kentucky, Duke and Gonzaga going in at the top of the leader board for each region.

This is the time when office pools, sportsbooks and internet contests challenge fans and non-fans alike to correctly guess the outcomes of all games in this college basketball tournament. For anyone taking part in a March Madness Bracket, getting a winning bracket is no small undertaking.

In the first round of the tournament alone there are 232 = 4,294,967,296 possible brackets that could result and the odds of getting a perfect bracket are 1 in 9,223,372,036,854,775,808!

Sports Betting and Entertainment Company, 1Vice, is happy to announce that once again, they will be holding their 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] annual Weekly NCAA Hoops Challenge with a $500 weekly prize.

The Weekly NCAA hoops Challenge has become one of the mostly anticipated contest by 1Vice as this year?s contest has twice the number of contestants than last year.

This contest is a pre-cursor to the March Madness tournament which was created as a way to build even more hype for the College basketball tournament and to give their players an alternative to the usual March Madness Bracket contest held by every other bookmaker.

In this contest, every week players will need to choose the winner of 20 games ATS (Against The Spread) plus a designated tiebreaker. At the end of each week, the winner with the most wins will win a $500 prize.

In addition, this year, 1Vice has added a new College Basketball Tournament Contest to their roster called the $10,000 March Madness Bracket Challenge. It is a normal March Madness Bracket contest with the same point scoring system used by Yahoo and CBS.
?Our clients have been asking for us to hold a March Madness Bracket Tournament for a while now.? said Fred St. John the 1Vice marketing manager. ?Since 1Vice always aims to please, we were happy to oblige.?

In addition, this year 1Vice is going all out with a new March Madness bonus structure that is bound to capture everyone?s interest. The new bonus structure starts with a 100% Bonus with an 8x rollover for any deposits of $100 up to 300% Bonus with their ?No Juice Promotion? where anyone who deposits $1,000 or more from Today until March 17, 2015 will get NO JUICE PROMO + FREE entry into WEEKLY NCAA HOOPS CHALLENGE + FREE entry into $10k Bracket Contest.

For more information about the 1Vice March Madness contest and promotions lines up go to www.1vice.ag

March Madness is the second biggest betting event for bookmakers outside of Europe and Asia after the Super Bowl with over $100 million wagered on the event in the United States alone and $12 billion wagered on the event worldwide.
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