1Vice.ag Gives Out over $65,000 in Contest Prizes for the 2015-16 Football Season


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Mar 15, 1999
San Jose, Costa Rica ? Sports entertainment and gambling company 1Vice.ag is pleased to announce the winners of its "3rd Annual College Football Bowl ?Pick 20? contest?, a competition held on the MadJackSports forum where players test their college football handicapping skills against each other.

This year, the grand prize winner is Brandon M. who won first place and has received $3,000 in cash in his 1Vice.ag account. Here are the results of the other winners of the contest:

2nd Place: Chris P. who received a $1,500 cash account.

3rd place: Jeff N. who received a $1,000 cash account

4th place: Dave D. who received a $1,000 free play account.

This has been a record year for 1Vice in terms of money given away for the 2015-16 football season as they more than doubled the amount of prizes from the previous football season. Last football season, the company gave almost $30,000 in prize money while this season they gave over with $65,000 in prizes.

In addition to their annual ?Master of the NFL Contest? with $10,000 in prices, their MadJackSports College Football Contest with $7,500 in prizes and their annual Super Bowl Squares contest; 1Vice had also added the ?Win an NFL Luxury Vacation to Costa Rica? and ?Win a Trip to Las Vegas? to their list of football contests and giveaways.

?2015 has been a tremendous year in terms of growth, customer satisfaction and customer relations? said Fred St. John, the 1Vice marketing director. "As our company grows we are always glad to share our success with our customers and this football season was no exception."

The 2015-2016 football season is still not over with the NFL Divisional Rounds, Conference Championship and Super Bowl 50 right around the corner. People that are still interested in taking part in a 1Vice Football contest can enjoy their $10,000 Super Bowl Squares contest. More details about this contest or any of their promotions can be seen on their website at www.1vice.ag.

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