system plays 1-1 last night, 19-9 ytd. other plays 0-1 as penn does enough to win but not cover with cornell coming up tonight. other plays 2-2 ytd. new streak starts tonight. system play:
649 fla state -5-
701 smu -2
718 ut arl +8
805 ab chr +5
815 wyo +1
one other play:
va tech -1: hokies really need this one to stay relevant in the post season. who better to screw than the hated hoos. i hope you're on this one lp.
649 fla state -5-
701 smu -2
718 ut arl +8
805 ab chr +5
815 wyo +1
one other play:
va tech -1: hokies really need this one to stay relevant in the post season. who better to screw than the hated hoos. i hope you're on this one lp.
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