2 genuine questions for Bush fans.


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Today I heard the President say while he campaigning, "supporting the troops is not a complicated question" question, didn't he just propose cutting benefits to all veterans?

Second. Next he said he believed "we were turning the corner in the war in Iraqi". Question, wasn't the war over in his judgment 16 months ago?

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
the war was never declared over....i cant believe how this question is raised over and over...the offensive was declared over

veterans benefits is a complex issue......the rhetoric you listen to is not worth paying attention to...

their hospitals suck...always have always will...."cutting" their benefits is of course the spin as appropriating funds elsewhere


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I would have to assume from your anology that all other dates in history are also incorrect and should be changed to not when those in power were defeated or surrendered but to the date the very last insurgent gave up.Correct?


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Jun 18, 2002
I guess it means what you mean by Mission Accomplished. Some would think it meant mission accomplished but to others it would mean we will now enter the phase where our soldiers will be getting killed as we try to rebuild the country we just destroyed for no apparent reason. Yes, Mission Accomplished sounds better.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
to the Utopians I am sure "mission accomplished" means no one will have to ever work again as government supplies everything for them...government feeds you, bathes you, and wipes your ass

i cant believe anyone would have the nerve to say "mission accomplished" before any of that happens


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Jul 19, 2001

'Mission accomplished' refers to GWB and the republcians promises accomplished in thier 'contract with America'. You remember that one don't you? In it, which energized voters to elect a majority of republicans in the house and senate, Republicans promised (or contracted with Americans) they would 1) limit term limits and 2) balance the budget.

Of course Republicans have been hard at work to bring both of these very important promises to fruition. GWB was simply stating that both the term limits and a balanced budget of minus 455billion had been accomplished. 'Mission accomplished'. It was a watershed accomplishment in the history of our nation and a well kept promise by our Republican brothers.


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Jun 18, 2002
Freeze you are truly insane. You think the only ones working hard in this country are doctors and top execs in companies. I can tell you a lot of doctors are frauds and most CEO's and top execs are useless. Their companies go right on working with or without them. The middle class working stiff works much harder than any CEO. To your thinking the guy working in a mine or in a factory or anywhere that isn't giving him at least a six figure salary is somehow looking for a hand-out. I feel bad for your victims..er...I mean patients.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
lmao you personally attack me without even knowing me....

please attack my arguments WITHOUT putting words in my mouth

i dont ever recall saying that people who work blue collar jobs do not work hard...please keep your slander and insinuation out of the arguments....

i am not sure if you are just not with it enough to understand what i say or not...but you continually tell us how Bush lied, etc. etc...refusing to admit to anything the leftists have been saying when they said the same things and more

now you twist my words....

it is really annoying to have to listen to your jibberish..

you and DJV should go have a dementia exam


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
I didn't expect on his faithful flight suit day that Iraq was completely OVER.
nor do I expect to wait till the last as you call insurgent is killed. Let me say I never expect and I'm sure Bush didn't either that 3x as many American kids would be killed since then.)


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Jun 18, 2002
All I hear out of you Freeze is how somehow the non working freeloaders are looking to grab money from the rich and successful. It is you who puts words in the mouths of the left. You even blame the way Bush and Rumsfeld run the war on the liberals! I attack your thinking yes. By your posts you have shown over and over again that you look at the middle class as if they are somehow trying to take something away from the wealthy. Most of those wealthy got their wealth off of the sweat of the middle class. We have a difference over what is a fair tax rate. But you constantly defend your stance by painting everyone who is not in the top 2% of wage earners as somehow being lazy and looking for a hand out. I hope your your college loans are not subsidized.


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
"Most CEO's and top execs are useless." Stevie D

"Most of the wealthy got their wealth off of the sweat of the middle class." Stevie D.

Where does one begin to even utter a comment when such hyperbole is running rampant? Since the word most implies greatest in amount, quantity or degree, I think I would have to challenge the accuracy of those statements. But it would no doubt be answered by something like "most of what you say is patently absurd."


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Stevie - That is a good start! Hey, I endorsed you boy Clinton over both Bush and Kerry! :clap:

It shows I can be both compassionate and logical.


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The U.S. Military Is in Bad Good Bad Shape

The U.S. Military Is in Bad Good Bad Shape

By Captain John Byron, U.S. Navy (Retired)
Proceedings, July 2004

Not long ago, the U.S. military was in terrible shape. How do we know? Because people now in high places said so.

During the 2000 presidential campaign, George W. Bush said we had a "hollow military." He stood behind Republican claims that the Clinton administration had allowed military readiness to decline to all-time lows.

Vice presidential candidate Dick Cheney agreed: "Military readiness has reached its lowest level in modern times." Condoleezza Rice attacked nearly every aspect of Bill Clinton?s stewardship of the military ("extraordinary neglect . . . witless," etc). Colin Powell accused Clinton of "reducing spending so much that troops are underpaid, equipment is aging, and the U.S. can no longer support multiple missions around the world." So there it is: the armed forces that the new President?s team took over in 2001 were in deep trouble.

Mere weeks or months are nowhere near enough time to rebuild a military, of course. To upgrade the hardware, an administration new to power needs a long time to shape plans, revamp spending, convince Congress, and start up new programs. The military services and field commanders need time also?they cannot instantly shift strategies and deployments, nor does new doctrine flow rapidly. Slowest to alter course are the people?the service cultures, leaders, and morale. No, the new Bush administration would need time?years to get the military squared away from the sad condition it was left in by the previous presidency.

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But as we know, President Bush and his military did not get that time. Less than eight months after he took office, the tragedy of September 11th put our military on war footing as it geared up for a series of come-as-you-are battles, first to dig out the Taliban in Afghanistan and then to unseat Saddam in Iraq.

And guess what? That derided, much-maligned military performed magnificently! America?s men and women in uniform brought mobility, flexibility, and offensive power to the enemy, meeting every test and performing their combat missions brilliantly. And the hardware worked wonderfully.

So we see that the military?said to be in such bad shape?is quite solid after all, right? Wrong. Though proven to be at full readiness to execute offensive operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, our great U.S. military is now in decline serious enough to place our nation in danger:

The war in Iraq is wrecking the Army and the Marine Corps. Troop rotations are in shambles and the all-volunteer force is starting to crumble as we extend combat tours and struggle to get enough boots on the ground. The prisoner abuse scandal reveals an Army leadership overwhelmed in its postcombat role and shunning moral responsibility.

We have broken our social contract with the members of the National Guard and the reserve forces, misusing them as substitutes for active forces in an open-ended operation in Iraq that is well short of national emergency. These backup forces are demoralized and headed for the door. Rebuilding the reserves may take a generation.

The combat strength of our ground forces will be badly bogged down in the Middle East for years to come. Policing a broken nation and skirmishing with irregulars, they are anchored in Iraq; we have little left for the rest of the world. Terrorism? North Korea? Iran? More force in Afghanistan? We have only the Navy and the Air Force to send, but they alone cannot take and hold ground, root out terrorists, or alter a bad regime.

We have few resources left to fix things. Instead of investing in new military capabilities, we divert defense funds to refilling ammunition bins and paying for peacekeeping. The military improvements needed for the future are lost in the dusty sands of Iraq.

Our American military is in trouble. Is there a fix? We should share the burden, spreading to the rest of our society the sacrifice now made solely by our fine people in uniform. How? With realistic funding to pay the true costs and a return of the draft. Pending that, it will be up to the military to struggle through the current mess and protect us as best it can until we can get ourselves back to battery.

Captain Byron is a frequent contributor to Proceedings.

Join the Naval Institute, a membership association for Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard professionals and anyone interested in the sea services. Benefits include a subscription to Proceedings magazine, discounts on books, magazines and gifts, and access to the world's largest private ship and aircraft photo library.

? 2004 U.S. Naval Institute. All rights reserved.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
As long as we get our monthly warning what color our status is we need not worry. And Bush never said he new how to balance anything let alone a budget.
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