2 Good ones--

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Florida -3 (big time)
Nebraska -3

I think Florida is a much better team than these Hawkeyes, plus, these gators got screwed against FSU. They should be playing in a better bowl!

The only reason I see Nebraska winning this game is because of the love they have for their coach. I don't think they have as much talent as State, I just see them winning so everyone will shut up about him loosing his job!

I also like Tennesse but I'm not ready to pull the trigger--
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A few more plays

Navy (take the points)

Clemson is not very good in my opinion, and I'm not saying that B. Bowden let him have the win, I just think if he hadn't have won that game then the only thing he would be coaching is his high school, which both of these Bowdens probably knew that!

One fact about military teams -they are 16-4 on covering the spread in bowl games and the teams that ran, I believe are 7-0. More work to do but I like them

Minnesota runs the ball pretty good. I think we all know that Oregon can't defend the run. They didn't face that many teams that ran because all you had to do is pass over their secondary, but the teams that did run killed them, averages coming later--


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