2 MLB Umpires bet on games

hello there

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Jul 17, 2001
Thursday, March 7

...two years' probation for two of baseball's most highly regarded umpires Frank Pulli of the National League and Rich Garcia of the American League. The report stated the umps were disciplined for associating and doing business with gamblers and bookmakers.......and were sanctioned for placing bets with "local bookies."

Entire story at ESPN here:


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Feb 12, 2000
I have not read the story yet, but if Pete Rose is banned for life for betting as a manager, then there is no way in hell that an umpire should be able to attend a game.:mad:

just cover

Cub Fan
Forum Member
Oct 10, 2001
Normal, Ill

I am with you. They should be banned from baseball for life just like Pete Rose. Also it sounds to me that the investigation from 89 was done behind closed doors. Now these guys have some cushion job of being supervisors of the umpires. Smells pretty fishy...

just cover


If you read the article carefully, it says that they didn't bet on baseball. I assume umpires have to adhere to the same rules that the players and other personnel have, so they can bet other sports. I think that the issue arises because MLB wants them to do it legally in vegas and not through a local bookie. That's a whole nother issue. I think you may be jumping to conclusions that they bet baseball -- some people can wager on sports and still have the restraint not to bet on their own sport. It was their association with bookies that MLB didn't like. They'd be free to travel to vegas and bet on the nfl or any sport beside baseball (assuming they have the same stipulation in their contract as players and baseball personnel do).


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Dec 17, 2000


Personally I think a player is a player. Even if these guys didn't ADMIT to betting on MLB I'm not buying it. Since they did admit to betting on sports in general then you know they have to be aware of the lines on the games they're working, and that awareness in and of itself will skew their judgement, that's simply human nature.

SO, this confirms what I have thought for some years now that baseball is the most crooked of all sports when it comes to gaming. There is so much discrepancy between what the superstars make and what the umps make and how much is bet on each game, there HAS to be tremendous pressure on these guys from the gaming community. Just a few borderline calls from the home plate ump can maneuver a total in either direction. An extra $5K per game (in cash) would certainly be hard to turn down, wouldn't it?


perhaps, but it comes down to the individual and the standards that they uphold. as we all know, in life and in sports, different people have different standards.

i just hesitate to see people jump all over these two guys automatically.

many many many players i know bet on other sports all the time, but they dont bet baseball. but as we know, (ie pete rose), some people have a harder time resisting that temptation. 'just because i am poor doesn't mean that i will steal...' that sort of thing. hell, look at the damn hollywood actors and actresses who shoplift -- it comes down to personal integrity and i hesistate to make assumptions on these two umpires.

you may be right, you may be wrong; and i admit that i'm not familiar with the umpire's contracts, so maybe their not supposed to wager on anything.

by your logic, would you want michael jordan out of basketball because he bets? he probably has a good understanding of the industry and contacts withing gambling, so does he jeopardize the game? or do you think perhaps he has the integrity not to influence basketball games?

also, human nature does play a big role in umpires -- and refs and other officials -- don't you see maddux, glavine, the yankees, etc. get the calls that others don't? i agree that umpires can be influenced, but i disagree that it necessarily by a sinister plot.

tough call on this issue, it could be argued endlessly. people will make their assumptions and decisions on these guys, but i will be one who will try to refrain from judging them based soley on them betting other sports.

people can have the selfcontrol to bet on games but not violate their contract and the rules by betting on their sport -- i think it's on an individual basis and

that was my only real point. treat these guys as individuals who might have integrity and self control, until other facts arise.


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Dec 10, 2000
Austin, TX
Personally, I don't see anything at all wrong with the umpires' actions. Of course I don't have all the details, but the investigation into the matter found no evidence at all that they bet on baseball. These guys are (most likely) sports fans as well as umpires and they probably were trying to make an extra buck or two. Unless proof turns up showing that they bet on baseball, this probation seems silly in my book.


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Forum Member
Feb 23, 2001
It's O.K. They were execs. at ENRON so they fuched everybody already.They were just betting with $$$ they screwed the millions of investors out of. Tough subject on who can bet when, where and what.
I would think the contracts have VERY firm rules of what is acceptable for all sports,for players and Refs. etc.
Why not legalize it everywhere ???
Why do people watch some bullshit division 2 teams play. I know a few moms and pops are watching their kids,but EVERYONE else has a BET on the outcome,that is why SO MANY sporting events are on T.V.
And I hope you guys are cashing :D :D :D
Good Luck....Spanky.....


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Dec 17, 2000
Jordan et al

Jordan et al

Personally I think Jordan is a LOT less likely to be influenced by gambling on a basketball game than the umps in question because Jordan makes so damn much money who could afford to buy the guy? We all know he loves to gamble BUT he also loves to win. I don't even think he gambles that much for the money, it's just the action - and I think gamblers can understand that theory.

I just figure it this way, even if Jordan had 100 dimes bet on a game he was playing in and it came down to him missing a free throw at the end so he covered, I just can't see him intentionally missing the free throw, I just don't believe he could make himself do that. The same could be said about Pete Rose as well.

You make a good point about not judging these guys too harshly so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. I'm just pissed because baseball is such a difficult sport to make any money on betting. Hell, even Pete Rose lost his ass and if anyone should have had inside information you think it would have been him. ;)
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