perhaps, but it comes down to the individual and the standards that they uphold. as we all know, in life and in sports, different people have different standards.
i just hesitate to see people jump all over these two guys automatically.
many many many players i know bet on other sports all the time, but they dont bet baseball. but as we know, (ie pete rose), some people have a harder time resisting that temptation. 'just because i am poor doesn't mean that i will steal...' that sort of thing. hell, look at the damn hollywood actors and actresses who shoplift -- it comes down to personal integrity and i hesistate to make assumptions on these two umpires.
you may be right, you may be wrong; and i admit that i'm not familiar with the umpire's contracts, so maybe their not supposed to wager on anything.
by your logic, would you want michael jordan out of basketball because he bets? he probably has a good understanding of the industry and contacts withing gambling, so does he jeopardize the game? or do you think perhaps he has the integrity not to influence basketball games?
also, human nature does play a big role in umpires -- and refs and other officials -- don't you see maddux, glavine, the yankees, etc. get the calls that others don't? i agree that umpires can be influenced, but i disagree that it necessarily by a sinister plot.
tough call on this issue, it could be argued endlessly. people will make their assumptions and decisions on these guys, but i will be one who will try to refrain from judging them based soley on them betting other sports.
people can have the selfcontrol to bet on games but not violate their contract and the rules by betting on their sport -- i think it's on an individual basis and
that was my only real point. treat these guys as individuals who might have integrity and self control, until other facts arise.