You don't seem to grasp the big picture. If you choose to be the "trusting soul", that is your business, and something you have to live with. If bean pays you......great! You can laugh in our faces all day long.
The guy is completely clueless about how this world runs, is a proven welcher at another site, but a first class huckster, to be sure.
He has a history of making "cyber bets" with others, and not paying......why should anyone want to be involved with him? What is pathetic, is the fact that the two bravehearts who took his bait, have already stated, "I don't expect jim to pay if he loses"! Well, who's the chump here?!?
If you want to have a wager, here's one:
Will btj cry "foul" at some point during this contest?
The answer is a resounding YES!
With his first play yesterday, he already fuked up! He knows he has to play at bestbettor, yet post up his play in Jack's zGeneral Discussuion threads. Another "no lose" situation for him. It lost, so he can sound all magnanimous and state, "ROUND ONE GOES TO THE DEADBEATS". He knows full well that this game didn't count, but if they won, he would be screaming at Jack for not counting it. (Thus....crying foul.)
No, if you wish to play games with him, that is up to you, but you should hardly call out the remaining members of this site for having some common sense.