2000 golf reviewed


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Since not capping this tourney thought I'd review this past year.
After terrible start on the Islands recovered pretty well through out rest of year only to finish on horrendous note in Fedex Champ(2-10).With exception of Britsh Open(11-6-4) did poorly on majors.Masters (12-16-2)US Open (9-10-1)
PGA Champ (11-18).Ended with 12 losing weeks out of 49 capped for year and 229-196 with ties ommitted.Not par with last year but played over 100 more matches.Do not have break down of 72 holes vs daily matches but will track next year in endeavor to try and fine tune.Also did not track break down on outright and 3balls.However 99% were bet at Sportingbet at $10 (high roller) a pop So knowing the only outright play to hit with any substance was Triplett @ 26-1 after cut,I assume a loss on outrights and profits came on 3ball combo's since account there showed profit of $420 for golf season.
Over all could not give self grade over a C for this year but looking forward to improving next.
When celebrating Thanksgiving next week I will not dare forget to say thanks for Stan and all the hours he puts in his site to make things SO much easier for me nor will I forget to say thanks for the fine comrades I have met in this forum which have made it so enjoyable to be a part of.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 18, 2000
Exeter UK
Looks like you came to a similar coclusion to me on outright plays even with winners below
Azinger 80-1 Hawaii
Lehman 33-1 Phoenix
Cink 33-1? MCI
leonard 16-1 Texas
+place bets
Hart Gt Greensboro 33-1
Frazar Compaq 80-1

Calc Canon Gt Harford 40-1

Triplett John Deere 40-1

etc etc
With all these I still finished behind whereas on 72 hole matchups running at about 65%
Guess what I'll be betting on from now on!!!!
Bet on MyBookie