2006 recap and 2007 predictions


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Jul 16, 1999
time for the predictions, another new year and another set of guesses.

here is a look back at 2006 predictions, my comments in brackets.

2006 predictions Jan 4, 2006

1. interest rates in the US raise .50% up to .75% in the first six months of 06.

2. In Canada rates go up .75% in the first six months. probably one more rate hike than in the US. In the first six months.

3. Cdn. dollar now at .86 will go over .90. do not believe it will go to par. last year thought the US dollar would hold up against the Euro. Believe the US dollar will be strong this year, but the cdn. dollar will go up at least for the first 6-9 months.

(dollar did well, however did trade in a range .85-.90 for most of the year)

4. gold goes over $575 and probably hits $600

(it did even better, though traded around 640 most of the year)

5. China and India grow by 5+, growth in these two countries slow however should be 5-8% range. often it is hard to tell how quickly these countries are growing but China grew by roughly 9.8% in 2005. Most countries would be happy with 2-3% growth.

(hard to know what exact level these countries are growing at, however was over 5% and closer to 10%, or 8%. this should continue 5-8% over teh next 5 years.)

6. not a gold bug, in fact of all the metal is the one do not care for; Main reason who still have the same ounce you had thousands of years ago. people will sell gold at a certain price as it rises.

still not a bad idea to have 2-5% of the portfolio in gold stocks, or precious metal mutual funds.

believe these companies will show decent returns. and jr. gold mining stocks may have a great year (run the next 2 years/gold would have to pass $600) moose pasture and worthless properties may have marekt caps in the ten/hundreds of millons once again.

gold stocks are not a good term invesment. shorter mine lifes, harder to replace (find new mines) and their costs energy, labour, environment regs. are going up by double digits every year.

(if you put 2-5% of your portfolio in gold you probably did okay, most cdn. gold mutual funds made over 50%, many 60-70%. will list a few of these funds in next predction thread. have 5% of my portfolio in a gold mutual fund...which is high, after 2007 will reduce this to 2-3%. gold stocks are still expensive. so be cautious on indivual names.)

7. cdn minority government. conservative or liberal not sure; will not matter much anyways.

(Cdn. minority government was conservative. Harper ran a good campaign, reduce the GST (sales tax), probably won a good deal of votes. the liberals own tax cuts were on income tax, and were not sold as well. also Martin ran a terrible campaign.)

8. there will be no cdn. bank mergers. mainly political reasons. BMO, BNS, CM, TD, RY. are still great investments they trade in the US, but are getting to their high end (high end 15-18 pe, low 8-12pe) if they tread water for six months then earnings should catch up. good long term investments. trade in the US and Cnd. should have a financial stock (a few) in your portfolio.

cdn. bank or a regional us player, one that has increasing dividends, earnings.

(cdn. banks at the end of the year are trading near their highs, and did have another great year. the income trust ruling adding 5%+ to the returns, which made it a great year to hold the cdn. banks. )

9. natural gas falls to $9, maybe $8. but will go with $9. still like the long term story. as production (supply) is not keeping up with increasing demand.

prices will cool off, and hopefully a great buying opportunity. missed a few of these last year.

(made this when natural gas was trading around 12, remember when natural gas was double digit. could only see to the fall, gas traded in the 8-7 range, then mild winter, and now 5-6 range. so knew gas would fall, hard to tell sometimes by how much.)

10. oil trades in a range of $50-$55. now it may spike up or down but believe will trade around this range most of the year. do not see $100 oil and also not $30.

(closes at just over $60, if opec does not cut will see 50-55, if they cut should stay 58-68)

11. would still avoid the big 3 GM, Chrysler, Ford, just do not care for the auto sector. many reasons.

a. health care cost, b pension costs. c. strong compeitiion coming in trucks and suvs from japan, korea. d. costs billions to redesign new cars and have to that every 3-5 years. e. car sales in North America should have little growth.

there are some positives and Chrysler has done far better than Ford or GM. if you can come out with a good lineup....ie. cars people will buy with no or little discounts you can do well ie. chrysler 300, charger, magnum, ect.

I do not know what car company will come up with the hot car or just bomb so I avoid the sector.

(Ford was a poor performer, and Benz is wondering why they merged/ takeover Chrysler. and may break it up. However GM is up over 55% this year, so missed out on GM. GM has a better vehicle line up, good international operations, and cut costs, still struggling on North America (in good economic times) so not sure if the stock is not fully valued.

12. believe the US market will do better than cdn. last year TSX did over 21% mainly on oil/gas and metals. this year SP 500 does better than Toronto.

will do stocks in a few days, just do not have that many.

(both US and cdn. markets had a great year. )



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Jul 16, 1999
though I was going to list more stocks, only ended up listed one. Was lucky, as this stock returned the most as any stock in the prediction thread. there have been a few good ones :)

anyways listed here at 5.75 closed at 21.84, and hit a high of 24.50.

my history of the stock, mentioned in different threads. sold 50% at 7.50-8, bought back most of the position near 12.50. (great earnings).

also in the fall (sept) sold 12 puts dec, and got 1.50. the stock was trading at 14/14.50
ie. so in the fall sold the puts, would get 1.50; so for 100 shares get $150 - comm. in return would have to buy the stock for 12 until 3rd friday in dec.

did well as they expired, will look to sell more in 2007. very volatile stock so must pick your spots and sometimes be cautious.

going into 2007 have 50% stop at $18cdn., and 25% $16.
believe the stock could go to 16 or 30. depends on the base metal prices.

worried about base metal prices but hard to dump a stock buying back debt, cash on hand and trading at less then 5X earnings. I cannot stand it when experts compare these reource stocks to the tech boom of the late 90s. show me the hundreds of tech back then trading for 6X, and cash on hand.



will edit/add to the list as I go.

1. HBM Hud bay minerals (trades only on Toronto)

this is small cap mining company.
produced in the 3Q of 2005

19,800 copper
29,500 zinc,
onces 21,800 gold, 309,500 silver.

had 125.9 million in cash, and earned .28 cents.

looking at earnings per share of 2005 .59 2006 .68
believe these levels can be reached and the company is trading at $5.99

note bought some at $5.75, of coarse its low was $1.81. first saw the company at $4.25 have no idea why I waited to 5.75....

in the 3q 2005 they made .28cents but metal prices are higher that what they got.

copper 1.80 now 2
.62 zinc, 446 gold $530now,
silver 7.16 now 9.16

so all of the metals are higher, this is small company that could get taken out by a larger mining company, that realizes a company well run trading at 10X is not the worse investment.

main risk if metal prices fall....also cdn. dollar was 1.20-1US. today closer to 1.15 obviously company would do better with a weaker cdn. dollar. cdn dollar will go up to 1.10-1.
still like the story and well run mining company at 10pe not a bad way to play the base metals.



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Jul 16, 1999
2007 predictions
Jan 3, 2007.

1. the cdn. government (conservatives) minority. will fall in 2007. will be replaced by a liberal minority, outside shot at a majority.

2. cdn. dollar does not go to par, like some experts were calling for, trades in a range .82-.90. will not break over .90 US

3. bearish on energy short term, bullish long term. will see if opec can support the prices. oil trades 55-65. and may even go to 48-55.
natural gas also weak trading around 5.50-7.

April, May may be a good time to add to your energy portfolio.

4. base metal stocks flat to down. look these stocks are dirt cheap and the etf in Canada was up over 80%. still these stocks will be flat to down for 2007. people will leave these stocks, may provide a chance to get in 3-6 months.

5. book to Avoid
Why We want you to be Rich by Kiyosaki, Trump.
only read four chapters, however will not read the rest. also basing the opinion on WSJ review, which panned the book. There is little, well no detailed info. also do not like this qoute

"In many ways that will be explained later in this book, both Donald and I can beat Warren?s rates of returns on investment. He may be richer, but we can get richer faster using our own methods and use less money."

now Kiyosaki take this shot at a great investor, that most anyone has heard of, it is great marketing, but is also BS.

Buffet has made incredible returns over time, currently would rate berkshire a hold. it is just hard to make 10% on a company that size. almost worth owning the stock to get the annual report. now that is worth about 10X this book. waste of paper....

6. Canada economy will grow 1-3% probably on the low end.

7. US will grow around 1-2.5%, the economy will slow but still have positive growth.

8. US housing will not cause a blow up in the economy, though it is a concern in some regions, the story on a nationwide basis is overblown.

9. last year talked about buying a gold fund. would take those gains, 50-80% in many cases off the table. would keep the orginal invesments.

some cdn. funds in Canada Dynamic, BMo, Royal, TD, CIBC, these have low min 1000-500. all no load except dynmic (buy through discount or good broker). gold share etf though underperformed these has low mer .55. not diverisfied though.

10. final facts/thoughts
- avg. family of four produces 20lbs more garbage than 30 years ago. maybe garbage business.
- most people who pay for Christmas gifts on Credit card end up paying 45% more in interest before the bill is paid off.
- bacteria ranks the top 3 behind cancer heart diesease. maybe more but at least top 3. in North America.
- Wrap accounts should be avoided for the most part.

11. investors every year run into similar people:
1. client complains about her poor returns, her brokerage account (full service) went up 17%. she wants a higher return with out any risk.

2. met 3 people this year, invest in penny stock, stocks are down 30-80%. they have not sold and are happy, because they can now buy even more.
this end up 90% of the time a money pit.

3. met two people that were going to borrow 100K, to 300,000. and invest this money in the market. these people are describe themselves as long term investors.

they are not. if the market drops 20% with 8% loan, they will worry about losing their home.
if you want to borrow to invest start with small amounts. like 10,000 or less. so many people during a bull market put their house on the line.

will list more later, these are more long term in nature.

EEB (interesting index way of playing emerging markets.)

CBQ (same as EEB in US)
CRQ (div, index fund.)



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Apr 25, 2002
selkirk are you a financial advisor

selkirk are you a financial advisor

as looking to hook up with an advisor to help play the stock market?
from mississuga ontario


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Jul 16, 1999
DTB best wishes in 2007. so far in Toronto the market has dropped by 300 however coming off a great year a sell off, profit taking can be expected.... or resource stocks getting killed..

Dooley thanks for the link, will bookmark it, though he is a legend he often highlights the mistakes he makes. try to learn from your mistakes.

Bases not a financial advisor. I use to be in the field,however I am just an average investor. look after my own portfolio and sometimes with friends and family when asked. I also in the past contributed some articles to a very small financial site (sites).

Bases good luck in finding an advisor, in the coming weeks, will list some good basic funds as well as a review of discount brokerages, and some ways to invest in the market. will post some of this info in january.

EEB $31.57

CBQ $25.89
CRQ $11

SNP.u 5.06
BSC 15.60

QC 3.30 a small venture loan company, trades at 3.30, and yields 2.42. would be happy with 10-15% return. could be ignored by the markets.

EEB, CBQ are emerging markets and will go down on a sell off, probably more sharply than CRQ, good way to play cdn. dividend stocks.

SNP.u gives you 2.89 leverage on the SP Health Index. so very volatile. like the sector, so more risks than just buying the index.

BSC 1.69 leverage on BNS. would own more of the bank than this product. however have owned it for a while and like the results so far.

Last edited:


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Jul 16, 1999
thanks Dooley for the heads up. always get something from reading them. probably will buy a few of the cheap shares.

though they are coming off a great year in the insurance end, maybe wait for a small pullback in the stock.

another value investor who runs mutual funds in Canada is also a deep value investor. Chou has a report in which he discusses the markets.

cash values in his equity and bond funds are around 50%. he is and has been even through the good years very bearish in general on the markets. still he often plays a limited number of plays that work out very well.

will have to post some info on his thoughts as well.
he is bearish for the most part though.



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Jun 22, 2005
These stocks that buffet holds may be worth looking into:

American Express AXP
United Parcel Service UPS
White Mountains Insurance WTM


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
dooley--don't know if most of these accurred post news letter or after but if something new thought you might like to see it.


New Positions:

Ingersoll-Rd (IR) new 636,600
Unitedhealth Group, Inc. (UNH) new 1,021,400
U.S. Bancorp (USB) new 23,307,300 (stake disclosed yesterday in delayed filing but firm held 6.1M shares at 03/31/06, 22.1M shares at 06/30/06 and 23.3M shares at 08/30/06)
Raised Positions:

USG Corporation (USG) from 16,700,992 to 17,072,192
Wells Fargo (WFC) from 190,641,600 to 204,022,100
Why does this give me the feeling that Warren does what I do, we have so much reading to do that we end up sorting things alphabetically and then we end up bunching up picks that are near each other?

Reduced Positions:

Ameriprise Financial Inc. (NYSE: AMP) from 19.26 million shares to 8.27 million shares
H & R Block (HRB) from 10,971,000 to 4,113,400
Watch out - we have this one, although that explains the weakness.
Comcast Corp (CMCSA) from 11,110,200 to 8,000,000
OSI Restaurant Partners, Inc. (OSI) from 1,818,800 to 0 (buyout)
Pier 1 Imports (PIR) from 3,290,000 to 1,483,400
Sealed Air Corporation (SEE) from 677,700 to 0
Target Corp (TGT) 745,700 to 0


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
interesting news today Kirk on couple of stocks in common in energy sector--

Suncor Energy (SU : suncor energy inc com
News , chart , profile , more
Last: 74.23+0.91+1.24%

7:33am 03/28/2007

SU74.23, +0.91, +1.2%) was upgraded to buy from hold at Deutsche Bank, which cited valuation and the stock's status as a hedge against geopolitical risk. "Since the start of the year, Suncor has been sidelined by investors worried about cost escalation in Alberta, fiscal and environmental legislation, operational mishaps and a poor fourth-quarter cash operating cost," Deutsche Bank said. "However, market tightness and rising geopolitical risk have oil on the move," it added. "Suncor's massive oil sands position are expected to generate sustained production growth with no declines over the next 50 years."

Nexen Inc. (NXY : nexen inc com
News , chart , profile , more
Last: 60.62-0.33-0.54%

7:22am 03/28/2007

NXY60.62, -0.33, -0.5%) (CA:NXY: news, chart, profile) said it plans to implement a 2-for-1 stock split. Calgary, Alberta-based Nexen said, pending shareholder approval of the split at its annual meeting scheduled for April 26, the company expects to issues the new shares May 15 to shareholders of record as of May 10.


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Jul 16, 1999
DTB invested in Suncor SU in a DRIP/SPP plan back in Sept. 1998. found the article written by Eric Reguly of the Globe and Mail. By the way believe he is leaving the business beat to cover Europe.

still he wrote an article in sept. 1998 called Suncor steady, boring- and profitable.
the article hoped oil will trade around 16-18 a barrel. should note of the five people (maybe 6) that I sold one share (registered) and enrolled in the plan along with myself. Believe only one bought more shares. paid 42.50 (45) and have 4 shares for every one bought since the split. along with divs revinvested.

good stock and maybe a take over target. would rate it a hold, however not to many oil companies
have reserves ranging from 40-80 years. I told the people I got into the plan that they would be all dead before they came close to runing out of oil....maybe not the best selling point.....lol.

it will trade closely with what oil does, both up or down.

as for NXY, they have growing production, also an oil sands play. NXY and TLM are both equal in my books, good managment and growing production.

TLM has no oil sands production.
ECA may make a move, just because people will buy it for it a natural gas play.

natural gas is cheap. and should go higher,...

PCA is up, only 3 more dollars and I might make a profit on this company after over one year and two options expired.

PWT.un sold a 34 covered call AUg. for .90. now trading at 35.48 cdn. so probably will be the worse trade of 2007 for me.......dumb.

rest of the energy portfolio is doing fine. if there is a pullback will write some puts on the sector.

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