I do, but I seem to be AVERAGE AT BEST.... Im not earning a living on other sports besides these NBA 2nd halves, some NFL 2nd halves when angles pop up (I usually forget to post or cant on Sunday mornings n afternoons because Im usually hanging with the football group....) But, I do well in MLB each season, showing a profit year after year.... BUT NOTHING like NBA 2nd halves... If you were to tail me, and I was you, ID TAIL MY 2nd half NBA PICKS... I am very streaky too, which helps people tailing me even more... Because when I go on a mini loser run, people can quickly fade me until I get back to winning... This season, from what I have posted, Im having one of my best NBA 2nd half season ever.... One local is out of the biz (he says, I think he just dropped me n a few friends of mine, saying he is broke and cant go on, but I have heard he still taking action form the typical mooks)... Smart business move if you ask me....
I am trying to figure out and create a system that will work as well as my 2nd half one does for WHOLE GAMES, 1st halves, whatever else in NBA, but I am yet to find one as consistent as I would like... I dont want to GAMBLE ANYMORE, I JUST WANT TO LAY MONEY ON HIGH PROBABILITY PICKS, PERIOD... If I want to gamble, I can play one of my numerous slot machines I sell, or goto Vegas and play slots there or blackjack/whatever.... You can make a living doing this... EVERY YEAR.... But trust me, you better have an understanding wife who KNOWS when you are screaming at her for NO REASON, SHE KNOWS A GAME OR PICK JUST WENT BAD, AND CAN DETATCH FROM THE CHAOTIC BEHAVIOR/MOOD SWING OF A TYPICAL GAMBLER... I found one.... And, that also has helped me to be hella less chaotic.... as in chasing losing days/plays, etc etc... (I still do make rookie mistakes more than I would like to admit, but less and less each season)