Maryland +8.....10 u 💪
Purdue/Ohio State Under 142'......10 u 💪 💪
Cinci +6.......10 u 💪
Cinci/SMU Under 142'......10 u 💪 💪
Coppin St +4'..........10 u 💪 💪 💪
Oklahoma St/Baylor Under 150........10 u 💪 💪
So Utah -7'.......10 u
Arkansas -3'......... 10 u 💪 💪 * Hogs are a team that have flown under radar, to the point that I don't think I have bet into/or against this season....... I watched some tape tonight and like what they bring to the table...... Anybody remember Corliss Williamson??...... I'm probably dating myself by the question....
Purdue/Ohio State Under 142'......10 u 💪 💪
Cinci +6.......10 u 💪
Cinci/SMU Under 142'......10 u 💪 💪
Coppin St +4'..........10 u 💪 💪 💪
Oklahoma St/Baylor Under 150........10 u 💪 💪
So Utah -7'.......10 u
Arkansas -3'......... 10 u 💪 💪 * Hogs are a team that have flown under radar, to the point that I don't think I have bet into/or against this season....... I watched some tape tonight and like what they bring to the table...... Anybody remember Corliss Williamson??...... I'm probably dating myself by the question....