Loophole - I dont cap these games because again, if the system picks it as a play i just go with it right now but just out of curiousity and while i look for other smaller plays on my own, i didnt know that Evansvile ranks 6th in the nation in shooting percentage. I can only hope they are on tonight.
Mush - I guess you can thank me if we hit. After yesterdays crazy day at work, we decided to get to it early while we could. I havent put in these plays yet but I think 15 is all ill get on Duke, Creighton has gone up to 22 in some places and Wyoming has stayed stagnant at 19 1/2. I will wait until right before the game goes off unless i see it heading south, but if i do see it heading south and i cant get my minimal line in, for example Virginia goes under +15..then i wont play the game. The system sets a minimal number to hit that 60% confidence level and if it goes below it, so does the confidence level that it will hit.
Spang - good deal and congrats..your a lucky man
Lets see how these hoop dogs treat us tonight