3 unit shocker of the day

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 5, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
despite pittsburgs setback a week ago against ottawa, they have had two great defensive efforts since then losing to the rangers 1-0 and beating the powerhouse n.j team 4-1. i think this team realizes, the only way to win in this leauge is to think defense first. dont think for a second that win against n.j was a fluke. they won that game playing disiplined defensive hockey. i feel tonight edmonton takes this team lighly.
tonight 3 unit play
pitt+0.5 -110 over edm

ytd14-6 +24 units
good luck


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 2, 2002
good luck on your play....

i agree that pitt has to buy into a defense first mind set in order to compete with the lineup they have right now....but i have to disagree with your logic on this one....i watched that pitt/nj game sat. night...and Pitt played anything but good defense they were outshot 40-17 ...caron stood on his head and played spectacular ...if that trend continues you can bet they are going to lose more times than win...brodeur was simply off that night..now edmonton is certainly no NJ so a Pitt win is not out of the question here at home...i am not advocating a play on edmonton nor am i saying Pitt isnt a good play...im just disagreeing with your analysis that Pitt has bought into a defensive system ...i think they should ...but the stats dont support that conclusion..

again best of luck..

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Registered User
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Jun 5, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
your absoutely right cooz on my analysis, because i did not see the game. i just asumed by the nyr, and nj scores they were playing good defence. even though my analysis was wrong. i still love pit+0.5-110. i think the goalie will stand on his head again, with lemeiux having a big game. this game good be a tie tonight.
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Registered User
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Nov 28, 2001
Northants, England
I agree with Horns. This is a trappy one. Everyone was looking to jump on Pitt since the Kovalev trade, and with justification if you look at it purely on a personnel perspective, however, sometimes these things work short term in the teams favour.

I felt they have been respectable against Ottawa, NYR and NJ - if only the Flames could hang on to a lead like Pitt:mad: - how long this mentality lasts is another matter.

The Oilers were unfortunate to go 3 down against Montreal and if they had some killer instinct up front could easily have swiftly got themselves tied up and then go on to win.

I see no value in this game.

Good Luck.
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