4/28 Picks

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Red & Black

Red Raider
Forum Member
Apr 9, 2004
Fort Worth, Texas
Worst day of the season yesterday. To make it worse, Col had a lead and was rained out and Bos (who I loved for a win) was also rained out. Those two would have given me a break even day (or close enough).

1-4 -16.5 units

YTD 113-97 +66.4 units
Favs 78-65 +39.8 units
Dogs 24-23 +6.6 units
RL 6-4 +16.6 units
Parlays 5-15 +3.4 units

Last plays for the week. I'm headed out of town for the weekend and I'm not sure if I'll be able to make or post any plays.

Col Gm 1 +125 3 units
KC +120 4 units
Cle -133 5 units

Good luck to everyone today.