-6, and 179 >>>>

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Aug 30, 2002
San Dog, Southern Cal
I keep looking at this game and just could not see Detroit competing, most especially at NJersey.
detroit's coach needs to show some emotion to get team fired up. They are all playing like their coach, lifeless!!!! :sleep: To say the least. FOCKING BORING!!!
Detroit slows it down so much that they are affecting its own momentum. They need to pick up the pace, they are shooting their own foot by slowing it down. 2 games with the nets is enough to make you change the way you do things. Quit creating a game that will only give you an opportunity to win, because you are either tied, or only down by 2. This coach will be fired eventhough he got the Pissed ons to the playoffs. Blow out your opponent, and quit playing - let's keep it close-...

I believe the Nets will come out firing, and will try to get this game and possible get another sweep.

Detroit can only win if everyone stays aggressive and shove it down the Nets throat.

I will have my final post in a few...