63% System


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 12, 2001
Long Branch Nj
Good luck tonight. Don't know if it means anything but you have my respect for posting an accurate record and percentage. If you can keep it in the 65% range it is a good system!!!
Keep it up

Wise and Wiser

Here Until 5K
Forum Member
Jan 17, 2003
On The Other Side
63% System

Smash: We definitely appreciate your candor. We've been following many of the posts/posters for quite some time, and know that it is very difficult to earn respect. It is obvious to us that you've done that and then some. Although, it is not our intent to build respect; that would be a welcomed bonus to our work. Win or lose, we'll continue to post the records for everyone to see. We're confident in the system, but as most know, no system is perfect. If the system fails, then we'll go back to the drawing board, and try to come up with something that will work.
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