Thank's for sharing..
In my 39 years as a teacher,coach,asst principal,and now principal it seem like it never ends...about 4 weeks ago right in front of the school as the students were being released I was standing there doing bus duty...two girls started swinging and grabbing hair...I grabbed one of the girls and a teacher grabbed the the time we separated them our security staff had arrived...both got 5 days of OSS{ out of school}. It was about a boy and facebook...Facebook is our biggest nightmare today....anyway I hurt my shoulder...thought it was a staff was more upset with me getting 5 hall monitors look the the linebackers of the NY Giants{ wrong team to select because we can't tackle anyone} Big,strong,work out at Golds gym etc...I know I'm 64 and had a "stent" put in in Dec...WTF am I doing...I was right there and it was just a reaction...would do it shoulder hurt for 2 cardio-rehab didn't do the exercises using the upper body until two week ago...
When I told me wife in Texas what happened she went off...I love my job as a principal...I have always been an active in the cafe with the hall duty and bus duty etc...but that fight a few weeks ago made me realize I need to hang it in June I will retire for the 3rd time for good...that fight was the final straw....
Girl fights are always worst then boys...breaking up my 1st girls fight years ago... I had my shirt all stained with grease...I figures it out later..the girls go in the bathroom..take their earrings off,tie back there hair,and put grease all over there clothes and arms...then when they fight it hard's to separate them... the video of the fight and me sliding and slipping trying to hold back one of the girls would of won the $10,000 on America's Funniest Video's...
Like I said earlier..facebook and texting are huge with it everyday in school...
Thanks for sharing that story..didn't see it...sorry for this long and boring story..