a couple of plays....

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Forum Member
May 21, 2002
I should know better than to step out like this, but here goes anyway......

Playing Atlanta... mostly a play against the mets coming off of the yankee series and the Braves having a tough time of it in Boston. Joe Brinkman will be behind the plate. He also umped behind the plate earlier in the year when the Mets went to Philly and Ishii had a tough time getting the strikes. I just wish I had anyone but Ramirez going for me...

Jerry Crawford behind the plate in St. Louis... Over 9 runs +115.. so far this year Crawford has been a dead over (last two: Nat. league games 17 and 16 runs).

A word of caution: lately whenever I have posted, it hasn't been very good.... so take these for what they're worth.......rb

as always good luck everyone....rb