A Different View on Services

Nick Douglas

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Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA

After writing a column entitled, "The Pitfalls of Services", I received one very interesting response. Most of the responses were somewhat predictable. They read along the lines of the column being accurate and promoting the idea that services are something to generally stay away from. There was, however, one email that took a completely different tone.

The person who sent this particular email is a person that I respect who has posted on this site. They took me to task not for my portrayal of services, which they noted was accurate, but for my portrayal of service customers as ?lazy?. I think my exact quote was that subscribing to a service, even one operated by honest individuals with a history of winning, ?breeds laziness in a business that requires anything but laziness for success.?

According to the person who emailed me, that portrayal is often inaccurate. What about people who are independently wealthy and enjoy gambling on sports? Most wealthy folks have little or no time to handicap. If a person is comfortably earning six figures at their job, it would be hard to portray throwing down a dime or so on a few games after work as unhealthy. And if they choose to spend their free time watching sports that they bet on, why not make money rather than lose money? A couple hundred dollars is a relative pittance for purchasing a weekend of picks when you have enough discretionary income to wager $1,000 per game.

I can say from personal experience that people like that are out there. Back when I worked for a major consulting firm, part of my job was to travel to home loan centers for a major mortgage company to help mortgage brokers, loan coordinators and loan consultants become familiar with their new laptops. In passing conversation I met quite a few folks who made excellent money selling loans and enjoyed gambling in their spare time. When I showed them Mad Jack Sports and my page here, they all showed great interest at the prospect of gleaning picks from a few of the sharper handicappers on this site. Many of them were $500 or more per game players who admitted that they lost money gambling on sports in general. These are the type of people that the email was referring to.

If we accept that there are a good number of people like this out there, then there are two things to consider. First, is it realistic that a service would be able to market itself more towards that type of clientele and less towards gamblers who can?t afford losses and see services as something of a method of absolution to wipe their losses clean? Second, is it worthwhile for those types of wealthy individuals to subscribe to services?

To the first question is essentially impossible to answer. Where do you draw the line? Is the guy who squeezes every cent of his discretionary income into gambling in with the group of degenerates who can?t control themselves or in with those that just like to gamble and can afford to do it? An argument can be made either way. And even if you manage to separate the haves from the have nots, there is no decisive way to tell what percentage are signing up for legitimate services.

You could say that folks who can afford it and don?t have the time are the folks who will stay with a service even through a terrible losing streak. They are smart enough to know that losing streaks happen to even the best gamblers. But that line is blurred because many wealthy folks are impatient and they, too, will leave a service at the first sign of failure.

Even if one decides to accept the idea that gamblers with lots of money and little time are the target audience that can realistically be marketed to, there is the questions of whether it is ultimately good or bad for those folks to subscribe.

Does anyone here know of a person who?s been betting for over 30 years? I do. I would guess that a few posters on Mad Jack?s fit into that catagory. Does anyone know of a person that has subscribed to the same service for 30 years? 10 years? 2 years? I honestly dont. Even if you want to look at it from the other end, how many honest services have even been around for five or ten years? Seems to me that most of the services I have seen stand the test of time have been the greaseball scammers. I am sure there are exceptions, but they are extremely rare.

Knowing this fact it is fair to ask; what does a gambler do when the relationship with the service ends? Go to another service, I guess. You can sure as heck bet that the handicapper who has relied on services to provide him winners isn?t just going to quit gambling just because their relationship with their service ends. So either the gambler must find another service to subscribe to or gamble naked, which is almost sure to lead to them losing plenty of cash.

That is the reason for my, ?laziness?, comment. Laziness in this case is meant to be getting used to playing a service?s picks without doing any real work on games yourself. Even if a gambler wins money for a long period of time subscribing to a service, they still become accustomed to not having to do the amount of work that separates gamblers from handicappers. The very real question then becomes, what do those subscribers do when their relationship with the service ends?

Jumping from service to service is the best case scenario for service subscribers and really, the only long term justification of promoting services as a worthwhile venture to the subscriber. Subscribers have to be wealthy, they have to bet large enough and with a big enough bankroll to ensure profitability over and above the cost of the service and they have to be willing to abstain from playing their own picks when their relationship with the service inevitably ends.

If you fit in to that catagory, services might be for you. Services provide action basically every day from the same handicapper. No matter how much one lauds the idea of playing free picks from strong handicappers on Mad Jacks, they can?t boast what services offer. People who provide free picks are allowed to post or not post whenever they want. With a service you know that if you log on to the computer at a certain time each day, you have your action waiting for you and you can go home after work and watch your money soar or swoon to your heart?s content.

As a person who loves to ask rhetorical questions, I must ask; was it unfair to characterize subscribers with the, ?laziness?, comment listed above? I still wholeheartedly believe that subscribing to services breeds laziness from a gambling perspective. You can slice it any way you?d like, but if a person is gambling large sums of money without doing any significant research themselves, that person is a lazy gambler. The reason for their laziness in gambling may be that their job, family, etc. take up too much of their time, but I still believe that the word, ?lazy?, does accurately describe their gambling technique.

The problem with what I wrote is that I didn?t fairly portray the potential service subscribers who have no desire to be hard working handicappers but still are wealthy enough to afford to gamble on sports via a service. For those folks there are definite short term benefits to subscribing to a service. I still have my doubts about a service?s ability to market exclusively to those types and the long term effects on wealthy gamblers after the relationship with the service ends, but I feel that anyone who reads my writing deserves to read a fair portrayal of the story. For failing to acknowledge the short term benefits of services to that niche market of wealthy folks without the time to research their own plays, I apologize. Hopefully the previous column combined with this one gives a fair portrayal of services.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
As a person that has gambled for more than 30 years, I find both of your articles very accurate. Of course, there are always exceptions. But the basic ideas that you promoted here are, for the most part, hard to disagree with. Good job.


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Nov 4, 2000
Ferdville 30 years of gambling for you? I thought you were just a young well maybe some what young person. That is compared to me. Yes what is written above rings bells of history for myself.
First play on a Footbal game was 1965 give or take about 6 months. That would be 37 years. And yes did not know what the hell I was doing. Not saying I do today. But some lessons I did learn. Nick justs out of need I gave a few service a try back then. There were not many and was not easy to learn of them. I did one trip out to LV when I went to the gambling book store. Wow I said can I used there help because im so new at this. Well it was shooting one self in the butt. They did not seem to know much more then me. So I started record keeping. Followed just a certain amount of teams in college to keep it simple. For the pros there was much more info to get your hands on. One thing I learn fast that history can repeat it self. But becareful where the history came from. And how teams playing each other on a certain day could end up with history that was strong for both. So history had to go to last thing to look at. Every year is new. I found to helping your self win. You must start there. I learn how to count on myself not the services. With one exception. Record keeping I did not have time for it all the time so a service that did a lot of that can be of help. Don't care about there picks. But all that other work can save someone a bunch of time. Now since I came to this site. I find all I need right here. It is great to have this resource. It also has some folks that cap based on whats happening this year and I like that. So a service can be useful for info if nothng else. As for picks? Yes you are correct longest I was with a service was about 3 or 4 loosing years. I felt that was more then a fair chance. Again I was just useing manley there reserch info. But you had to look at those picks. Wow how bad some were and seems they still are. I have been with one of late for about 6 years. He has great reserch and his picks are above water. It's a small amount of money for all his work. I now believe I will let it drop because I know how to use MJ site to the point it's not worth the price even if it is small amount. The same info is here. So out of 37 years one service that I had more then 5 years and it was decent.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
The debate over pay services comes and goes, but is always constant.

I think too many people paint the "bad side" with very broad strokes. It is far to easy to dismiss a pay service as a scam, rather then to delve into it a little more. A guy will post on these boards for some time, be thought of as royalty, and then want to go pay. Now, the same guy is an outcast to some.

"You will fail for sure, now!"

Why does this thinking prevail? The fact is, there have to be some services that are on the up and up. They can't all be boiler room operations!

Here's what I see:

  • We all started by doing this for fun
  • Some got good at it
  • The thought of selling picks comes to mind
  • Now, a hobby becomes a job

I can come and go as I please. I can toss a play to you guys here and there. I have no obligation, and that give me a ton of freedom. As a service, I would be obligated to make plays......that is what I get paid for.

I have often thought that I had a great recipe for a tout service, but no one else seems to grasp my line of thinking. I will lay it out for you:

  • Recognize the fact that most players are very small time!

    Most players, I would venture to guess, do not play a dime a game, or even close to that. Too many posters in these forums feel that they are less of a man, because "poster A" wagers $5,000 a night on 4 games. They feel if they admit to being a small fish, they are looked at as "weak", or worthless, to others here.

    How many of us wager $10-$50 on a game? I'll tell you........A LOT! But, for reasons previously stated, they are embarrassed to admit that. So, as a service, I would make my plays available for very small prices. Let's face it, is a $10 a game player going to pay $100 for your plays?
  • Be up front about your plays

    I would not be selling a play, just because a game is on the tube, and there is nothing else out there. I post plays very infrequently here at Jack's for two reasons.

    1) I have very limited time to cap games, so I stick to local teams for the most part, but still have some spin on other games, as well.

    2) I want to give you guys a game that I feel can win, not just a pick to gain some sort of "respect" if it hits, or to keep my name on the list here.

    I still post more winners than losers here, but I don't give a glorious record, or post results, and units w/l.......I just try to give you something you can use.

    As a service, I would not force plays. You tell me how many of them will tell you, "Sorry....nothing looks good tonight." They don't, because plays sell, and common sense doesn't. "Churn 'em and burn 'em."

    You tell me? Do you want some guy forcing plays every night, or giving you solid plays 4-7 games a week?

I think those two things, are the most important in becoming a pay service.

If you can be solid at this game, you can be solid while getting paid. I don't need to hear how guys "get cold" when they go pay.....Guys change their approach when they go pay, I think!

Hey, if you want to send me $50 a month, I will give you the same solid 10-20 plays I post now. I won't throw a dart at the NFL game tonight, just because I know you will be watching it!

To one of the original points of Nick's thread, I don't think a person is "lazy" just because they want to buy someone elses plays. I would look at it the same as any other facet of making money through investing. What's wrong with banking on someone's knowledge? Of course, you would have to trust that persons skills, and not just blindly plunk down a few bucks on their say so! (That is the one bad thing about this shit.......for whatever reason, glitz sells!)

Okay, I'm starting to ramble, and I need a steak in my gut, so I'll close.

Justlet me close by saying that if you want to pay a service, make sure you are getting someone solid, and not spending too much.

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Felonious Monk

Site Owner
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
Excellent write-up as always Nick. I always enjoy reading your work!

I have to agree with yyz here in that there are several reasons one might ride a service other than being lazy, although I do agree with that assumption. The investment analogy is a prime example.

If KC wants to be compensated for the hours he spends capping and sharing info, more power to him. I have no qualms about that. I feel that this place is the best "service" one can get. Sure beats the old days when magazines were our only source for info. Just as one is called up to the big leagues, we'll have another fill the roster spot.

My problem is quite simple really...I can't afford it. I'm certainly not "well-off" and to me $50 a month or whatever it is for the service is a lot to spend for something that doesn't hold much of a guarantee. $50 a month could be the difference between being able to pay a bill or rent to some people. So I can see how some people would be turned off by this move.

My 2 cents.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
The services pick can generally be obtained without payment anyway. I don't see any clear arguement either way to convince someone on or off of a service. I don't use them very often yet know where to find them if need be. But keep in mind, I don't follow anyone, regardless of who they are or their record. It just doesn't work for me thats all. Have heard both the plus and minuses of both sides. It is all about money management and not chasing losers.

Felonious Monk

Site Owner
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
The services pick can generally be obtained without payment anyway

I think I know what you're talking about but that's not necessarily true for all the services.

Show me where I can obtain kc's plays for free? :shrug:


Registered STUD
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2000
Show me....

Show me....

Where you can get mine for free!

Unless I post them...

After tonight, it may scare people! JK! I did not fare well in the NFL tonight!



Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
I have used 2 services for reasonably lengthy times. The first I paid only on a monthly basis and only a fixed amount for every unit plus. If we didn't win, he didn't get paid. This worked well for about 2 years with some big profits in pro football and baseball. Even busted my local on baseball. However, the inevitable cold streak hit and despite over 2 years of a business relationship that benefitted both of us, I was minus a high number of units and he basically gve up on me (in my opinion, because he would have had to win a significant number to get paid again). This guy is still in business and I understand is doing very well in all monitoring services. I have used another service for the past several months that has also proved to be very profitable. The plus is the fact that this service also manages your money with an eye on weekly profit. Now some people don't like this idea. At the end of a profitable week where a plus figure is guaranteed, this person might recommend a buy back in certain situations to assure a profit. This makes perfect sense to me; others might not agree. The money management factor has been key to success. The drawback to this type of service and no doubt any service in general, is the fact that you are removing yourself from the equation. In my case, I don't have the time to make profitable selections over a period of time. I also find money management a problem sometimes. I am happy to be in action - therefore I am happy to be a coattailer, especially a profitable one. Others could never remove themselves from the selection process. But to most I would ask how well have you done yourself? If you have been a consistant winner, you have no need for a service. If you have been a consistant loser, it would probably be a good idea. Most of us fall somewhere in between. I prefer to win on a regular basis even if it means removing myself from the selection process. Services are not for everybody and getting a good reliable one isn't easy. That is the toughest part of all and I have seen many a friend go down in flames with the Mike Warrens et al. As I said, services are not for everybody - you must have the proper attitude to make it work for you and be lucky enough to find the right service. I've gambled for more than 40 years and yet it doesn't embarrass me to pay a service that wins on a regular basis. To each his own.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Hey Nick Always enjoy your write ups.Got a few things to for you to ponder. 1st there are some that use services that are not lazy as it takes almost as much time to cap cappers as it does games. I have hundreds of sheets of yearly data some going back 20 years.
Using service for long time? Underdog has college record of 61% ave going back 19 years,of course 1 play a week will not get it for most. Exectutive on 450 to 600 hits around 60% going back 10+ years,Texas Sports Wire 5 and 4 over 60% going back 7 years I have tallied.
With being said I know of none that have hit anywhere near those #'s for any length of time in Pros which should tell us something.
Now I said this last year but it has been my experience that people who have great sums of money are those who bet the least with some exceptions as always. Go to country club and note wagers on golf matches. The up and comers bet heavy the wealthy bet modestly. reason is they did not get wealthy by taking on uncalcuated risk and do not need the money.
Stay in store on lottery night and note who lines up to buy the tickets.
Now there are a few wealthy that gamble for living and they are exceptions.
There are many of us middle of the road that just like challenge of pitting our wits against the man. I enjoy the hell out of it and have made it great entertainment that is stress free and I win if I lose. LOL how so you ask. This is my way I make sports betting very enjoyable and stress free.
I have one account check I get monthly that ranges between $800 and $1200. I put it in seperate fund for betting only. My normal wager is $50 and $10 exotics. I determined this amount as my comfort zone. It allows me to bet enough to make it interesting but not enough where I have anxiety and can't wait till next day to look at results. Now with amount and # of wagers I could hit probably only 40% and account would grow with amount of and # of wagers vs what is deposited each month.
So net result is I do what I enjoy and have an additional savings account to boot. the best of both worlds--and it is my opinion one does much better if there is no stress involved as it takes double up and catch up emotions out of play. And I think one controling factor most overlooked in sports betting is controling emotions.
Just my humble opinion.
I just checked notes on underdog and records date back to 1985 (17 years) in college. winning % 65.1% college GOY's during that time 14-3. Now I might add I do not pay huge amount for services but get them thru reliable concensus for bout $200 a year.--and of course you could not purchase underdog as service if you wanted to--but that is a story in itself :)
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