As soon as the images of WTC crashing down appears in the Singapore TV at 10.30 pm on the Sep 11, i jumped from my sofa with joy!!
The following days, every Malay Muslims celebrate the attack. I have to be frank here. Even though the newspapers over the next few days report that the Muslim community condemn the bombing, it is done for political purposes.
Freaky :cursin: lots of links therein.
Concluded the Ayatollah, "Islam does not allow peace between... a Moslem and an infidel." Though many of us imagine that the promotion of harmony is a prime objective of every major world faith, the ayatollah disagreed. "The leaders of our religion were all soldiers, commanders and warriors," he wrote, "...they killed and they were killed."
The following days, every Malay Muslims celebrate the attack. I have to be frank here. Even though the newspapers over the next few days report that the Muslim community condemn the bombing, it is done for political purposes.
Freaky :cursin: lots of links therein.
Concluded the Ayatollah, "Islam does not allow peace between... a Moslem and an infidel." Though many of us imagine that the promotion of harmony is a prime objective of every major world faith, the ayatollah disagreed. "The leaders of our religion were all soldiers, commanders and warriors," he wrote, "...they killed and they were killed."
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