a great daytrader trade, private jets, GM CEO fired, Cdn. CEO pay


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Jul 16, 1999
sometimes I look for a stock and then trade it back and forth...buy at a price and sell, ussually in a day or two, three days. sometimes it has worked out.

Recently with reit traded AX.un (yields 17%) 5.40-5.80...of coarse now it is at 6.30cdn.
Riocan (long term holding) traded some from 12/12.10 to 12.50.... now at 12.60cdn.

however to show not that good at these, bought crr.un at 6.50-6.55, was not that much volume at worried would be stuck with it, so sold in two days for 6.70.... well now it is at 7.54...no news, maybe low volume stock was mentioned somewhere and now everyone had to buy crr.un, just shows my timing is terrible and should just buy it, and forget about these little trades.
all reits trade on Toronto.

Private Jets
had a debate with some people over the weekend about the jets for the car ceos. that was the congress showing off, or how to take a little topic and waste time.

when you pay a ceo ten of millions to run a multi billion dollar company, you should not have him/her waiting at the airport.

and yes the jets were used for compnay business to get billions in loans from congress.

GM CEO fired.

this had to be done, when he took over GM stock was in the 70s now it is just over 2/3, however it is worth 0. how do people buy this stock at 2/3, why.

He did a good job improving product, however he never did cut costs enough, and during the good times he should have,...now they have no option and must go bankrupt.

currently because of the loans they have been given by the US, cdn. and Ontrario governements they have more debts than ever.... and still losing more.

this should have been done, bond holders and workers will have to take more cuts, ...and the current common shareholders get wiped out. long term only solution unless the econonmy starts growng at 5% again.

Cdn. CEOS at manulife and BCE are retiring and both got 5-6 million to say goodbye, this is to much since their last couple of years their performance has not been good.

note: own bce at 24cdn. with covered calls
MFC do not own it however sold 16cdn. may puts
and 23 uncovered calls may.

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