A guerilla warfare friday night

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Forum Member
Dec 14, 2001
CHI-Town, IL
Guerilla warfare/Ninja tactics say:

BOS (o89)
i'm a mark for BOS @ home overs. yes, heavy east coast travel for utah as i see boston carrying the load of this over. but, the BOS D is fair at best and if UT decides to run, this should be met with about 4 minutes left in the game. UT FT% percentage will help here as well.

SEA (-2)
not nervous about a letdown here. short trip down the coast for SEA as well. i see them riding high after SAC. GS players/new coach struggling to see who plays where. payton should control this game to cover small number.

NCAA "lean"

CIN (-:cool:
interesting line move in favor of MSU. first time cinncy is playing "somebody" i guess... nevertheless, cinncy D % is the best in country. that D will create the O cinncy needs for this price. not too much knowledge of SEC MSU... tread lightly...


Registered User
Forum Member
May 26, 2000
Good calls G_N. Miss St's record was built playing cupcakes. Watch Ga St. Most people arn't aware of them yet.