Dont blame me if ya lose this is my opinion..I am taking the seahawks and dont tell me they R a terrible football tm...I dont buy it...just like some of U guys who said I was so wrong saying the Bears wouldnt cover and R overrated...Overrated concerning the Bears is a topic of Off coordinator...I have seen these same freaking plays yr after yr week after week....U kiip playing the Bears against the top rated tms and I will bet opposite of ya....I luv the Bears but this offense is soooooo predictable....Until the Bears prov they can score in the RED zone and stop running the damn ball with the same plays I have seen over the past 16 ys I dont believe...this tm cant go anywhere kicking FG's...Hey Miller when ya get the play nod and get in the huddle and throw the freaking ball down the field...not 10-20 yrds I mean like 40 yds and open up the running game...tell the off corrd to kiss off and then ask..would ya rather have Matthews in there...or make a trade and bring Cade bk....throw it long JIM